Be an aspiring television writer

>be an aspiring television writer
>try to get into the industry
>find out about #PreWGA
>get laughed at by some assholes
>the whole thing was just a scheme to get some cheap laughs out of aspiring writers

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tl;dr: twitter thread

Wait till you find out the absolutely absurd requirements to even get into WGA just to be allowed to TRY for a job, which unsurprisingly you can skip entirely if a WGA memeber "Mentors" you.

The reason all these writers are bad at writing and also full of themselves is how hard they got fucked for a freebie in the door.

>Mike McMahan

Not sure who these josh and sydney are but they sound based. So sick of hearing about muh istophobia, le meanie words won't kill you buddy

>imagine defending rich assholes

You have to get a job in order to qualify for the WGA, not the other way around you regard

Imagine getting upset because of words lol

Look at this moron so retarded he can't even spell it.
Slide down to "Writer owned company" and get your mind blown harder than the "Writers" who were allowed to work within "Guild jurisdiction".

Yes, you read that right, you have to specifically publish works within the union jurisdiction which isn't open to non-members in order to become a member, gee I wonder how they manage that one?

literally who.

An excellent question.

Wait I thought you typed hated Hollywood? Or is anyone who’s a piece of shit automatically kinobased irregardless of anything else?

got any stories you want to share?

Why do you think that user hates Hollywood? He didn’t say anything about Hollywood, and he isn’t using a name or trip, he could be anyone

I know who you are.

>he made a homophobic comment!
Get roasted, fagaloon.

>Great room! Mike rules.
Mind passing on a message?

Hey industry user, don't go. I was just bluffing. I don't know who you are.


lmao instaregret industryposters are the best.

Dude who created Solar Opposites with Justin Roiland and worked on Rick and Morty and Star Trek Lower Decks. But let's be honest; Twitter threads don't care about what they've done and more on what they tweet.

It'll be in the archives anyway.

Come back, industryanon.

>industrykeked deletes messages instantly to try and hide his tracks
>he doesn't know

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It's my fault, I scared them away.