Now that it's done, was it an underrated show...

Now that it's done, was it an underrated show? It has the lowest ratings of any Disney+ MCU show (and I may be wrong but any Disney+ original show too?) and seems to have filtered a lot of normies who instantly discarded it and didn't even watch one episode with the major response being "It looks like its for kids"

Attached: index.jpg (184x273, 7.23K)

I'd have watched it and probably loved it if she fucking stretched

It's just shit.

It's a show made for teenage girls. Those people weren't filtered it just wasn't the right age demographic. I thought it was ok

All the MCU Disney Plus show has been getting lower ratings then the previous one. The next one is probably going to have row loved ones than Kamala did..Going to the movie every couple weeks to see it and I'm see you film is one thing but I believe mine is having a new TV show to watch is a little bit too much for a lot of people.

This. It's not the movies that are inducing Marvel fatigue, it's the shows. Disney needs to slow their fucking roll.

Attached: mcu runtime.png (2000x2000, 2.17M)

Especially because its making them run out of content quicker. Now they're already scraping the bottom of the barrell with Echo and Agatha Harkness.

And to be honest, a bunch of these could have easily been Movies. Falcon, Hawkeye etc. They all had strong openings and endings, but complete filler middles in order to stretch for time that could have been cut out and made into a 2 - 3 hour movie. The only one that was really made for the TV format was Wandavision.

>first consistently strong MCU show
>gets the lowest audience


It’s over already? I haven’t watched it yet


What are the other shows

What If is MCU Multiverse canon

This. It's pretty good but people are mainly turned off by the tone. It's like expecting Ironman or Cap BO for Antman.

In retrospect they got lucky that Falcon & Winter Soldier wasn't ready in time and they had to put WandaVision first. It was the only one of the bunch that felt like it needed to be a TV show.

I'm hoping She-Hulk will have more in the way of episodic stories, being a lawyer comedy and all, but I'm not getting my hopes up

Most people I've come across who dislike it, like actively dislike it have not seen it at all. Their main criticism is "Its kiddie shit" And those that who did end up relenting and watching it liked it.

I can definitely see She-Hulk working as a TV show if they do what other law shows do and have a case of the week.

i'm not sure if any of these 6 episode shows can support a _____ of the week format.

maybe i'm still salty that we didn't get a couple weeks of Loki solving time crimes in that slick variant jacket

Falcon and Winter Soldier

Trying to speak objectively, the show does pretty well with character relations. Kamala is fun in a little kid sister kind of way, her family is charming (if not pretty bad at acting), and her family's history was genuinely interesting. The episode set in the past was probably a highlight. Also, visually, it's pretty eye-catching and has a unique flavor that keeps you engaged.

But the show is absolutely horrible at plotting. Atrocious. Characters show up randomly exactly where they're needed for no good reason. Characters bring up random plot points out of nowhere just to have an exposition dialogue. The villains are bland, generic, and extremely uninteresting. There is no proper resolution to events. The DoD leads to nowhere. If it wasn't for some cute, charming characters every now and then, the show would be ridiculously boring.

And I'm sick of all these hints at mutants that get immediately dropped. At this point, I don't even want the X-Men anymore. They've been treating the property like a fucking cocktease.

I feel like almost every one of the disney+ shows would have massively benefitted from being a full length season of television. It's either that the central concept of the show would be good for an episodic format and suffers greatly from not fleshing it out (Wandavision/Loki), or that the main story is kinda shit and can't even carry 6 episodes (Falcon & Winter Soldier, Moon Knight). And in both cases, it seems like Marvel Studios has no idea how to actually make a TV show and just ends up stretching out a movie to twice the length, so the pacing is fucked across the board too. If you're making a TV show then you should take advantage of the format much better than that.
It's like the reverse of the issue that the Netflix Marvel shows had, which tight stories that were all 13 episodes per season and often ended up with some filler to reach that target. It's ironic, in a way

why are the shows not included for the other phases?

Is the action good?

I assume because when they made the chart, they weren't sure what shows were going to be canon and which weren't.

Nowadays, we can pretty confidently say that the Netflix shows and Agent Carter are canon and Agents of Shield and Inhumans are not. But that still leaves some shows in limbo like Cloak and Dagger, Runaways, Hellstrom, and... wasn't there another one? Feel like I'm missing one.

It's an underrated show, which will find its audience over time, like the Buffy The Vampire TV show did.

>ms. Marvel herself was very charming, cute and charismatic
>characters are generally likeable and they have clear relationships
>flashback is cool and has some good visuals
>kamala's imagination being in the real world was fun but underused

>clan destine were dull as fuck, also written like stupid assholes, their death scenes didn't fit with the shows tone at all
>time travel makes 0 sense yet again
>lots of plot threads that don't go anywhere (Bruno going to California, bruno having the hots for kamala, friend being on the mosque board)
>the entire trip to karachi feels like it's from another show and removes most of the cast we spent 3 episodes getting to know
>damage control is dropped and then brought back out of nowhere
>action wasn't that great
>not enough of kamala's wacky comic imaginations
I'd say it's decent/watchable but it has a ton of flaws. I can't believe She Hulk gets 9 fucking episodes.