Why webcomic artists are so unsophisticated and always depict alt-people/losers as protagonists...

Why webcomic artists are so unsophisticated and always depict alt-people/losers as protagonists? Do we ever gonna see a webcomic character who listens Mozart instead of Clash, for example?

Attached: dbhvxj4-90bbc39c-00d7-4ed3-b82a-0222e085b005.jpg (755x510, 194.52K)

There is no such thing as a webcomic genre, you use the internet to publish your work, digital comics is a better term

Let me rephase my question then (not that would change the context of the thread but anyway), Why digital comic artists are so unsophisticated and always depict alt-people/losers as protagonists? Do we ever gonna see a digital comic character who listens Mozart instead of Clash, for example?

>Concern trolling
>no actual examples given
fuck off.

Honestly i have no idea whst you're rambling about

not him but SoL webcomics always include similar people with similar issues like Utown or Octopus Pie.

shut up sperg. go spam more amphibia threads.

Mozart is a meme.

Attached: rf Thea offers an alternative 2.png (680x480, 491.75K)

sup Any Forums

To put it in more words to make it easier for you to digest, most people who bring up Mozart as some sort of pillar of musical quality, do not listen to Mozart.

Attached: rf Thea & Benjamin don't understand.png (720x480, 436.21K)

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

Losers can listen to Mozart too you know.

True, kind of the musical equivalent to people who say "it's no Citizen Kane".

unfortunately i'm not that insecure to validate my tastes in front of anonymous people, especially an imagefag like you.

>I like to listen Mozart
What kind of a retard tries to gatekeep in classical music?

He didn't say or imply he listens to Mozart, he used it as a reference of sophistication and something a loser wouldn't listen to.

Name of comic ?

It's obvious Mozart is just a stereotypical example in OP's post, unless you're a Any Forums autist, you're not supposed to get stuck about it.
Then, why don't we see it this often? I've never ever seen any character in these type of comics who actually has an intellectual hobby.


thanks dude !

>listening to music is an intellectual hobby

>Listening to Mozart is an intellectual hobby
No it isn't, it's the kind of thing an idiot presumes is an intellectual hobby.
t. Singer and musician with a genius IQ. Who the fuck just sits there listening to classical alone?

you're deliberately ignoring the context and obviously a troll, so fuck off.

Mostly because Neurodivergent people gravitates towards arts, videogame speedrunning, discord modding and trainspotting.

If you're kinda fucked up in the head but not clinically retarded, outcast characters resonates with you because you're also shunned because you have really hard time to just act like a normal human being.

because those artists often belong to the same social circle.

Is this what you bums describe yourselves in these days?

Having a character listen to Mozart is what a hack fraud writer does to imply a character is smart. It's not actually something smart or sophisticated people do.