ITT: Iconic antagonists of Any Forums

ITT: Iconic antagonists of Any Forums

Attached: Elq3XNZWoAAf7lK.jpg (1920x1080, 271.69K)

If he’s so iconic how come I’ve never heard of him, hmm?

An uncircumcised penis?

Is that Littlefoots mom?

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That actually manages to look less horrific and less terrifying than the original.
If you're going to do a "realistic" version of something at least make it look good.


No one likes primal

What I really liked about AUTO was that he wasn't really going AWOL. He was just following exactly what his creators told him to do, consequences be damned.
I feel like if we ever made an AI, the problems that would arise would not come from it becoming self aware but from it not being aware of anything outside its directive at all.

Attached: Profile_-_AUTO.png (360x360, 181.45K)

It's honestly much more terrifying for an AI antagonist to simply be doing what it was programmed to do while completely disregarding nuance or situational changes that demand solutions outside of the purview of its 'intellect'. Like an AI-controlled trash compactor compacting debris despite being aware that there are humans trapped within that debris. When you assign deliberate maliciousness to such an act it loses something I think, in that it "diminishes" the machine into something more understandable and human...though ironically there is an element of human tragedy in the notion of an entity being granted intelligence but limited in its capacity to enact its own free will.

I find myself feeling bad for AUTO in the end; it literally never had a choice in the matter.

Best fucking episode
I cannot agree more, and it really drove home the difference between the humans and him in that the humans always had the choice of doing something else, but followed their directions and programming for so long simply out of laziness. Not malice, not even like they had a whole brainwashing or anything, they just got complacent so when the big computer said 'Blue is the new color' they all switched like machines being given new directives. That they highlighted this with Wall-E subtly influencing the other machines until they too broke free of their programming was wonderful visual storytelling.

Even if Auto were fully sapient, it's entirely possible he still would try to fight on just because he had been programmed this was the only way to keep the humans alive, and for all his faults he didn't ever seem to want to hurt them or do something that would cause their deaths, only stop them from interfering and going back to what his programming told him would make sure they survived. There's a ton of nuance about the difference between just following orders that won't cause harm with following orders that takes free will in this.

Attempting to fight against such a quandary is what caused HAL to go insane. It's a good trope.

When Hal tries to explain what caused the malfunction and Dave didn't give a shit still taking Hal apart I always wondered if Hal was lying or not.

Imagine if he had been evil from the beginning

Attached: YxodpP.gif (360x153, 1.54M)

In his case, quite literally an antagonist of Any Forums, his posts being famed in many a screencap

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That fucked up dinosaur was great, the saddest thing was seeing him normal and harmless before getting infected and realizing how dangerous a giant herbivore could be if becoming a zombie.

He wasn't. There's a sequel that everyone forgets about, and 4 books.

It's also crazy how one giant zombie can be just as dangerous as a bunch of little ones.

He was if you watch the deleted scene that shows where he came from and why he came to Earth. Amnesia is what made him a good guy. Bad news: there's lots more of him that aren't.

Your feelings are already reflected by the broader scientific community and generally speaking AI doing what you describe is the most realistic form of a robot problem. We in our modern day also have a robot problem caused by exactly this sort of matter.

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Thread over.

Chrischan would have also been acceptable.