Today is the 1 year anniversary of Space Jam 2's debut, a few days before it went on HBO Max

Today is the 1 year anniversary of Space Jam 2's debut, a few days before it went on HBO Max.
Say something nice about the movie that brought back 2d film animation.

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Before you bitch about what it says on the poster

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I don't think I will

>Millennial Deviantart fanfiction the movie.


Some of the animation was halfway decent...Is there some kind of list of who did what for the 2d parts of the movie?

>2D tunes on the poster
Why even waste the money turning them 3D then?

Where was he?

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Don't wanna.

An oompa loompa left a piece of chocolate in his bed and he took him to candy court.

"Duuuuh, don't you know? 2D dosen't sell!"
-WB executives

needs more lola inflation

Even worse is that the studio looked at and okayed these designs.

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How do you make a sequel to Space Jam of all things and make it unbelievably lame? I don't know why they decided to add the meta/multuniverse crap but it sure didn't help. There also wasn't a reference to Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden which is proof enough that its worthless.

Ehm based

Shitty and disrespectful to the Legacy of Space Jam. Kobe Bryant would have been a better Star, but not the one people deserve

gave us the hottest Wonder Woman

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it was genuinely cool to see a major Hollywood studio invest $100 million+ in hand drawn animation in the year 2021 and not shy away from it at all in marketing. can only hope this wasn't a one-and-done and there are more 2D movies coming from Warner Bros.

Isn't that supposed to be harder to animate?
Why are Lola's eyes so far apart?

Animate? Possibly not but the render times can get insane which can drive costs up a fucking wall.

I think it's one of the movies

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>brought back 2d film animation
there was more CGI in it than there was 2d animation