Late 90s and 2000s cartoons aren’t art

They focused more on being entertaining and selling shit than actually being introspective and meaningful. In short, cartoons from this era is truly for brainlets.

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>using in short for one sentence

This is a Winx club thread now

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This is the kind of stuff OP was talking about.

>Selling shit
You are fucking retarded.

And I'm supposed to care about art because....?

Well, shouldn't any program's #1 priority be to entertain its audience?

No you fucking retard. That's a capitalist way of thinking.

Are you conflating entertainment with fun?

>Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products.

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Neither of those things should factor into art. Art should make you think.

Animation is an art form. Unless you want it to end up like comics rather TV or movies.

You actually think Funko pops existed when Courage was airing?

Art is meant to entertaining, or people will just leave/watch something else.
Again, are you conflating entertainment with fun?

>Art is meant to entertaining

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If your art isn't entertaining, people will not think about it you idiot. It will be the type of boring art that people just walk past because it doesn't hold their attention.
Again, do you not fucking know what entertainment means?

Well no because I'm not an overgrown child who's easily swayed by flashing colors and jangling of keys.

So you have no fucking idea what you're talking about then.

Based art snob baiter

winx club was introspective and meaningful in the 00s but the 10s/20s made them into soulless toy sellers. so not really

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It was always a soulless toy seller user.

Artwork is meant to be engaging, not entertaining

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>art is meant to be engaging
Says whom? Art critics? The same art critics that were exposed for being complete frauds?

this again?

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>literally ready for merchandising
Yeah huh.

this again?

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If it's not entertaining, it will never be engaging.
Entertainment means that it hold attention.
If someone listen to a song all the way through, it's because it was entertaining.
If someone watches a movie without looking at the phone or switching to another monitor, it's because it was entertaining.
If someone stops at a pointing at studies or thinks about it thoroughly, it's because it's entertaining.
If your art isn't entertaining, you do not have anyone who'll be engaging with it.
All great art is entertaining, because if it wasn't, no one would care about it.

yeah, find a doll of this character, shelves full of them

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>Animation is an art form.
lol no its not. nobody will take your loreshit thesis seriously.

oh and heres a comparison of the storyboards to the final product of the most recent season. Winx club animation wasnt always amazing but the emotions were always spot on

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>I have no argument and will completely dismiss art critics on a hyperemotional basis

This. TV and films are art. Cartoons are nothing more kiddie schlock.