Now that the dust has settled. Was it pure kino or was it garbage?

Now that the dust has settled. Was it pure kino or was it garbage?

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Last Spider-Man movie I watched was Spider-Man 3.

It was a mediocre movie carried by nostalgia. That’s fine I guess considering Phase 4 has been pretty miss.

It sucked.

Everything before Norman goes full Storming and the Spider-Men is absolutely fucking brutal to sit through.

It’s not a good movie, but it is a great theme park ride. The fight between stormin Norman and Tom pete was the shit and everything I wanted it to be. If you’re gonna see any movie where a nigga gets power bombed through an entire building make it this one

Pretty meh really shows that marvel needs to get more charismatic actors because all the villain's carry the movie

it was kino, and it did it better than itsv and i will die on that hill. it wasnt pure nostalgia/reference bait like xavier in dr strange or quicksilver in wandavision. we saw how each past spider had changed completing their story arc, unlike spiderverse where every spider-person apart from peter and miles couldve not existed even spider-gwen, as anything that made gwen, gwen, her dillema's with peter's death, how she'll feel with peter from aother universe was ignored and she became bland fmc to supprt miles and be relatable even though peter was already there. nwh isnt perfect it was fun, but stupid at times with plot due to schedule problem, had bad cgi effect so itsv still beats in visuals, but other than that it was good and felt like a celebration of all prev live action movies.


It's feces covered with caramel syrup


It's not cinema, but it's entertaining, and that's everything capeshit should be. Just dumb fun without any of their activism push shit.

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>It’s not a good movie, but it is a great theme park ride.

It's a movie held together by nostalgia.

It was worth the watch, but non worth re watch. That is to say it was entertaining enough to warrant its existence but it's still not a good movie

Andrew's Spider stole the show.

Tobey felt like a wise old uncle.

I had fun, but I'll admit it was mostly because of familiarity with the older actors and seeing their influence on MCU Peter.

It’s not a terrible description for the modern blockbuster user, it’s not about crafting a cohesive narrative, it’s about peaks and valleys of emotion and action

Pretty fucking kino and a great lil' celebration of (Sony) Live-Action Spider-Man.

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They literally stole this story from me, I wrote it on 4 years ago while I was recovering from mononucleosis. I haven't seen one red cent of the profits. Once I save up enough at my summer job I'm pursuing litigation.

Every spiderman movie has been garbage.

> Carries phase 4 on its back.
It was meh as fuck but everything after it has sucked and does not look like it will get better.