Steals Marvel/DC sales

>Steals Marvel/DC sales


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Any Forums trannies are literally turning into eugenicists because a hardworking black man is succeeding on his own terms.

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>types big numbers on his website
>shills believe him no question
He called it Rippaverse because he ripped your gullible ass off, you fucking retard.

He killed it rippaverse because he hates sjws and trannies

I don't know what Eric's views are on transfolk are, but the trans person in the picrel has a point. A lot of ppl in the black community like Macy Gray see the trans movement as totally fake and that it is in truth a movement meant to force cis people to play along with the delusions of transfolk to spare their feelings. Transfolk deny this interpretation outright and no evidence is given to ever support the accusation yet it keeps getting pushed as a way to hurt trans people and to limit their rights, and unfortunately the black community is one of the leading faces off this smear.

Well, if so called playing into untruths and delusions to spare people's feelings is wrong in the eyes of many in the black community, than they really shouldn't be the ones talking because all of society is playing into an untruth about their biology to avoid hurting their feelings. So you can't have it both ways.

>cuck companies destroyed by the very niggers they worship

The "transgender movement" is the single most evil cult to ever exist, so there is no comparison. You literally gaslight children into agreeing to chemically castrate themselves and have their genitals irreversibly mutilated for profit.

Do black people and white people as a group have same average intelligence. Yes or no.

Trannies are definitely disgusting, that much is true.
And frankly they've done more damage to western social norms in the last 15 years than blacks have in the last 50.

No, and trannies are also fucking retarded.

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Meds. Now.

>Transfolk deny this interpretation outright and no evidence is given to ever support the accusation
Oh cool, so if I call a tranny who dresses as and wants to be a woman a male pronoun he'll be fine with it and won't throw a hissyfit?

If he hated sjws he would not have his book fill of woke shit

>is the single most evil cult to ever exist,

Catholicism is way better than most of the other Christianity based religion, expecially protestestants.
And no, I don't go to church.

>/Col/ Mad that a black man won't get to the back of the bus.
>/HrtCo/ Mad that a black man won't get to the back of the bus.

You guys really aren't different after all.

Spotted the Keffals pedo simp.

What is the so-called doctor even on about?

Puberty blockers make you retarded, as you are clearly demonstrating.

>black people existing
>woke shit
ok retard

I'm really glad for MC Ride.

Judism is a far worse scourge upon this earth