Why is Peter always poor?

Why is Peter always poor?

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lazy writing

Poor starts with a P so it fits

Because he would become Iron Man otherwise. Also because it makes him more relatable to the teen and early 20s audience.

He lives in fucking NY and works at a newspaper, that’s not lazy writing. I’m honestly surprised Pete isn’t constantly starving, who the fuck else could live off that salary comfortably???

It's a part of his core character and it's a tangible part of his secret identity and obstacle that he usually has to deal with and overcome in various ways.
Spidey has always been one of the better splits between his public and private personas in capeshit and part of that is because they established early on that Peter wasn't just Spider-man the Superhero first and foremost like a lot of capeshit characters (looking at you Batman) but Peter Parker the character that has being Spiderman as part of it.

If that makes sense.

aunt may leech off peter

He lived in NYC. Of course he's poor

Because his readers are.
Also he's not poor. He went to university, is a freelance photographer who can somehow afford to rent in a city and still have money left over for his web chemicals, cosplay suit repairs and gadget making. Again, just like his readers, who have enough money to have time to complain about not having money.

Peter is very much poor. You're confusing 70-80s rent with modern day New York for one. Same with university stuff and if you'd actually read the comics you'd know he was pretty much always living pay check to pay check and having to ass pull money for various situations.

you and comic book writers have zero clue how much goddamn cash there is and how easy it is to get it.

He's middle class when he has a job. That's not /poor/. He's just not ridiculously well off.

>He's middle class when he has a job.
Unless you're talking about 20s and on Peter (which honestly should be ignored) then he almost never has stable work, He's a photographer that works on commission for the most part

Because if he was rich, he would be batman

>unless you're talking about the Peter Parker most used
Why should that be ignored?

My brain farted and I meant to post 2000s. As in Peter after the turn of the millennium when he became generic scientist and money stopped being a factor for his character for the most part.

I don't think many people agree with you there. Don't agree with the thought but Fans seem to want rich Peter. reminds me of phrase "if you're so smart why aren't you rich?"

I remember someone saying "its because he's always buying shit to be spiderman. like webfluid and stuff".

>but Fans seem to want rich Peter.
Fans often don't know what they really want and often want shit desu.
One of Peter's strongest points has always been how important his non-secret identity and balancing that with his Spider-man persona is to everything going on in the comics and making him a super rich guy that everyone just knows is Spider-man ruins a lot of that appeal even if people don't quite get why or what's being ruined by it.

he's an American

self-insert fags want him to be rich and living in a three way marriage with Mary Jane and Felicia (maybe four way with a ressurected Gwen)

self-insert fags are fucking terrible and should always be ignored

>It's a part of his core character and it's a tangible part of his secret identity and obstacle that he usually has to deal with and overcome in various ways.
Early Marvel characters always had a fatal flaw
Pete's actions always kept success out of his grasp

I've read more people who want Peter/Felicia/Flash/MJ desu.

Only acceptable if he has the Venom symbote

>Peter can only be bi if influenced by the symbiote
funniest rule book of them all

I meant if Flash had the symbiote actually but sure that's funny as well. Venom is pretty much a gay icon at this point.