You guys notice that a lot of cartoons don't try to teach kids good lessons anymore and are just mean-spirited?

You guys notice that a lot of cartoons don't try to teach kids good lessons anymore and are just mean-spirited?

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Fuck off, Enter

I don't know who that is but he seems to live in your head rent free which is problematic.

Why teach lessons

No, most of them still try to teach lessons, the problem is they no longer try to be funny, like at all, when it was the last time any CN, Nick or Disney cartoon made you laugh?

Just today I was laughing at The Owl House.

I watched an episode of Gumball where they shit on Anais for having no friends, then she made a friend so they assumed he must've been weird. Then they figured he was fine after testing his integrity but at the end he turned out to be very weird so they poked fun of Anais and the episode finished. also like half of the TTG episodes involve them shitting on Robin.

I don't watch many cartoons but the ones I have seen just seem to be cruel.

Aside from Teen Titans Go what other shows are like this? Can you name five?

cuz sincerity is dead

Nu-spongebob and Gumball sometimes.

Classic Spongebob was way more cruel than that

Name 3 episodes

same, it’s laughable how bad it is

Cartoons have always been cruel. Literally a medium founded on causing physical injury to those who are a minor annoyance to you. Tom and Jerry, Popeye, all of the Loony Tunes. They would beat, mame, or kill each other over minor slights like eating one another's sandwich.

Ya'll cracked out in here.

Popeye was fighting to keep Olive from being raped.

I'm with Stupid, The Paper, Boating School

I unironically can't remember a single funny joke from this show.

>boating school
That was just stupidity, it wasn't mean spirited in any way.

>I only watched one episode of popeye
Alright my dude, you can just pretend whatever you want. I live in reality though and know that there's a very massive number of episodes that do not contain bluto, or olive oil, or contain neither. but sure, you can say your feelings matter more and that every episode was bluto trying to rape her... just keep taking your meds, you'll be past it soon

was meant for:

It is absolutely mean spirited, you are trying to change the meaning ot the term to move goalposts

Popeye has violence but it's never mean spirited unless it's Bluto being an asshole and Popeye putting him in his place, which ultimately is good intention.

Spotted the retard.

If kids primary means of learning good morals is from cartoons then somethings gone wrong.

Not an argument, what to do you even mean by "mean spirited"? This thread is bait

Cartoons are influential regardless. Like how South Park ended up getting a lot of ginger kids bullied.

>Boating school
>SpongeBob wants to get his license but he is a terrible driver so we laugh at his shenanigans
Not mean spirited
>Anais can't make friends so her brothers make fun of her, the end
Mean spirited.

I hope that helped catch you up to speed, you slow retard.

Oh I get it now, I'm sorry user.

You didn't explain your definition of mean spirited at all
You're not the user they replied

No worries, mate.

>bait thread

again, watch more than one episode. not every episode had popeye as the victorious hero there were in fact plenty of episodes where he makes an ass of himself and is on the receiving end of the cruelty. there's an episode where olive oyl beats up a female gym instructor who is consensually hitting on pop eye, there's plenty of episodes where she beats, cheats, and treats him like shit for no reason. plenty of times bluto is his best friend and they come to blows just to earn her affection or to win some prize. you literally have no idea what you are talking about. there is hundreds and hundreds of episodes, they do not all involve bluto trying to rape olive. i would wager it's less than 20%. many times, even in the episodes where bluto is competing for her affection, he is doing so normally and with her giving no objection and even sometimes flirting back, popeye interjects and bluto snubs him in some way and it escalates to physical violence

again, watch more than ONE episode before you pretend you know what you're talking about

>Feeling strangely compelled, yet again, to write another paper, for free, explaining what makes an intention mean-spirited to your alien ass.

They hate kids
They want to also brainwash them into being hateful assholes and bullies.

You can't OP, you never could, that's why you will keep moving goalposts.