
i love her. do you love her

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I'd love a date for the next season.

She's cute.
I'm more of a Ram Ma'am guy.

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We should update that redhead list someday.

Ram Ma'am is also pretty great. Though what the hell happened with that artist? They disappeared in December halfway through that Krass strip poll game.

you never know. that's the terrible thing about drawfags.

Yes, very much so. She was really cute and could be fun at times. Also helps that she had a nice tummy window and a nice butt. Really, she was the full package.

Attached: Teela's ass squishes as she walks.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

Anyone gonna share wtf this is from?

It's from the CG He-Man show that came out not long ago.

Attached: CG He-Man group shot from the opening.png (1920x1080, 3.45M)

Yeah, it's always a shame when an artist just ups and disappears without a word or anything. Sad times. They did some cute work.

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I love her and not Revelation or even 2002 Teela. I like Filmation Teela - the relationships established had real heart - but "she's in a holding pattern until her mom dies" gets old. I'm glad we're seeing her as the Sorceress from age 15 this time.

If they were gonna race swap her, at least they had the good decency to make it an attractive design.

I'd love one as well. It's insane how little warning Netflix gives on release dates. If I remember correctly didn't they announce the date of this series' second half a week or so before it released?

Attached: Concerned Teela not sure what she's watching.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Best OP mage girl. Got vibes of Mage Ascension watching her fight with Evelyn.

Attached: DBZ.gif (440x220, 3.94M)

>I'd love a date for the next season.
August. Seems very likely they'll announce the day during SDCC.

>do you love her
Yes, but all my non-Skeletor old favorites are from later in the '80s, which He-Man reboots never use.

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Guess it's something to look forward to this Comic Con then. Isn't it also the fortieth anniversary this year as well? I'd hope they have something big planned this year for that. As for old favorites I've always sort of liked Strongarm. Or I guess Strong-or as he's called in Classics line. I hope they touch on some of theses other one of these days in this series. I think some of them would look cool in the exaggerated style of this series.

Attached: Strongarm.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

webm version

Attached: manny.webm (1180x810, 1.76M)

Greatly appreciated. Thanks user. They didn't skimp out on her cheeks, that's for sure. Definitely looking forward to seeing them again.

Attached: Teela's ass being captured.png (1920x1080, 2.47M)

Yeah, it was cool seeing how her magic fight with Evil Lyn evolved in the second half of the series. The magic in general was tuned up in that half.

Note that Teela is an orphan and Manny raised her.
Weird dads are a Masters tradition. Almost no one but Adam had a normal family, though I guess it's now implied that Randy and Keldor did too.

Attached: PoP-Hordak-holding-Adora.jpg (1632x1224, 180.11K)

>Didn't want to kill a giant destructive dragonfly
>Was willing to kill evil-lyn because she wanted to kill a giant destructive dragonfly