God tier opening scene

>god tier opening scene
>everything else is either middling trash or outright excruciatingly groan inducing annoying
The movies underlying theme was about gods and afterlife and the entire runtime and for the rest of the day afterwards i had the strong urge to kill myself...so i guess the movie did its job i guess. The fact that the entire movie couldnt have been in the vein and tone of the first 10 minute scene showing gorrs origin just rubs salt in the wound more about how these shite films will stubbornly refuse to ever improve in any meaningful capacity. I swear watching these quip ridden MCU movies is the equivalent to the anti life equation

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>Hero is Thor
>call villain 'Gorr'

>enjoys a niche form of entertainment.
>get's mad when it's tailored for the general public in the safest way possible

Im fucking pissed that media for capeshit and sometimes even other nerd stuff has to be fucking sanitized and neutered to make it palatable for the shit taste of normal faggots. This is in part why i was so against the fox acquisition, they would still make marvel films that took risks that would sometimes be good like logan. Now everythings a fucking quip injected PG hallmark card shitsney movie. I fucking hate this future and wish someone would nuke disneyworld already

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The second half was still pretty good though. Omnipotent City and the Shadow realm planet, and Thor and Jane's scenes on the boat, hospital, and in Eternity, were all godly.

I liked some of the gods in omnipotent city but making gorr le redeemed in the end was fucking retarded and fuck you for thinking that was a good end

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be from the leaks. Remember, in this movie the Necrosword was corrupting Gorr, and was partly the reason he wanted to kill all gods so bad, so it makes sense that partly lost his motivation after it was destroyed. He still wanted to go through with it, but it also makes sense that he would rather bring his daughter back to life too.

It was a fucking retarded ending for what couldve been an otherwise dignified and cool villain death. Also im sick of how fucking jokey these films can get. The scene with thor empowering all the asgardian kids with thor powers made me want to tear my own skin off from pure cringe

It was a dignified ending. You're just seething he wasn't LE EPIC BADASS ATHEIST

It wasnt dignified, it was a shit ending made for people who enjoy eating sewage and obsessed with crap villain redemption arcs. Kill yourself

>Odin’s father name was Bør

You just know they wouldn't have gone for that crap if they'd committed to his less human comics design.

Deepest Lorr

>everything that looks alien is a heartless monster
Wow so progressive marlel

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This movie isn't tailored to the general public it's tailored for sugar high twitter users

I don't know who the movie is tailored for because even my normalfag friends thought it was a bit heavy on the goofiness.

>could wish for his daughter to come back to life AND himself being in good health

Why was he stupid? Did he want to die?

Best friend is Korg

What a waste of a character and actor.

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Only 1 wish bro

Too bad Thor didn't remember Eternity being able to grant wishes back during the blip. Could have avoided time travel and just bifrost to Eternity and back in like 20 minutes lol.

He didn't know that Stormbreaker was the key.... how did Gorr know? Fuck if I know, the Necrosword did it