So which capesht should get a game next?

So which capesht should get a game next?
I'd like a Doctor Strange game with cool magic skills.

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remake of Volition's Punisher game

Blue beetle and booster gold.

Doom Patrol/Flex Mentallo

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we already know which capeshit is getting a game next -- it's wolverine

A Doctor Strange game would need to go pseudo-arthouse territory like El Shaddai.

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they should make a stilt-man game that plays like flappy bird.

Just make an X-Men RPG.

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How about just do what Insomniac did with Spider-Man 2 -- use that game as a base and expand it into something bigger and more ambitious. I wouldn't mind a Hitman-esque Punisher game where you travel to different open-world locations and you have to rock up and murder some mob boss by any means necessary.

X-Men action RPG where you can make your own mutant would be pretty cool.

Back when I was a kid and they were big, I always wanted an X-Men MMO where you could make your own mutant and play as an X-Man or a member of the Brotherhood/Acolytes

how convenient -- my top 3 x-girls in one place

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I think a two-player Cap third person action game could be fun. Player 1 could be Steve and Player 2 could be John Walker/USAgent, Jack Monroe/Nomad, Sam/Falcon, Winter Soldier Bucky or 40's Sidekick Bucky?

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I can't imagine Marvel is eager to make more of these after the first 2 were major flops.

Shall it flop?

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That depends. Is it a game? Or an excuse for microtransactions?

Flash pls

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Deadpool already got a good Deadpool game (would've been better if it wasn't Waypool, but they still did some cool soulful stuff with the material).
So I'm gonna go with Punisher. Make it open-world or at least give it open sections so you can explore dark city streets and alleys looking for goons.

We need an extremely stylized Video game like Spider-Verse.

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Wind Waker like adventure game starring Damian Wayne, who will ride Goliath through various islands.

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Thor needs a kickass action game by the guys who did Metal Gear Rising/Bayonetta/Transformers Devastation

Marvel wants ps4 spider-man so bad but they just have no concept of what makes a game fun.

will it be good?