Will Luz ever get her own super saiyan form? She's missing out at this point

Will Luz ever get her own super saiyan form? She's missing out at this point.

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She gets Ultra Ego, or that new form Gohan has, which is something called Beast? I just call it Gohan Blanco.

>Ultra Ego
so she jobs hard and never gets a win?

No, she's the well written one out of the three

>well written

Go back to opposite land


No, and frankly, that's for the best.

I fucking hope not


Am I just completely out of touch with how people function or did Luz and Amity liking each other seem to come out of completely fucking nowhere? It gets hinted at and shit but it doesn't seem to actually start anywhere, progresses for no obvious reason (and with plenty of offscreen handwaving) and starts with Luz being unaware Amity likes her to suddenly going red in the face all the time with no obvious trajectory between the two states.
I dunno, maybe I just have no idea how people work. It's cute and everything but it feels entirely unnatural.

I hope she doesn't so she stays the weak bitch she is

Frogs and Ghosts will seethe at your superiority

Actually on that same note, Eda and faggot don't seem to actually have any romantic chemistry whatsoever at any point. They're just suddenly star-crossed lovers and always have been, the second faggot starts existing in the plot.

Amity has a bit of hints towards it, but it's less romance and more that Molly is the only good thing she had in her life for a while, and the writers just lazily pushed that aspect into meaning romantic. Which is lame, but not completely implausible.
Luz reciprocating is 100% forced, rushed and underdeveloped. She falls for her once Amity saves her in a specific situation, but she already has done it before and in more romantic ways. It makes zero sense Luz felt nothing when she saved her in prom but went goo goo gaga when she saved her from some shitty customers.
It's a bad show.

Why does ghost girl have a powered up form anyway? Isn't that show a comedy/slice-of-life?

Every single crush I had was sudden and out of nowhere like that

Meant to say Luz, but you know what I meant. Luz wishes she was Molly.
That's mostly because they made Rayne the most boring character ever in order to not hurt trans people's "feelings". Which is ironically transphobic, implying trans people can't handle any representation that isn't lazily done. Still better than what she-ra did.

Anne and Molly's powers came from their sacrifices. What will Luz give up to gain a power-up?

Yes, but you're a person in real life who's not part of an overarching story, you can like whoever the fuck you want and it's fine because it's life. Actual stories need justification for actions because those characters aren't real people. Otherwise every garbage fanfic twisting personalities to fit shipping is actually accurate because "people just like each other out of nowhere like that". So what, if in season 3 Amity realizes she actually loves Willow and not Luz it's okay because "crushes just happen"?

Attached: serious-laugh-harder.gif (480x360, 664.23K)

Luz is objectivelly the worst written character out of the 3 just by the fact the creator was just winging it while she was writing her, while Molly and Anne all had a specific plan the writers commited to throughout the show. Dana making up she's autistic after being asked about it a second time is all you need to know over how little her own creator cares about her.

nothing, she'll get everything at the cost of nothing.

Luz is supposed to be autistic??? What the fuck