BATGIRL Test-Screening Leaks

>Mixed to positive reactions.
>Leslie Grace is very good as Batgirl.
>Brendan Fraser steals the movie as Firefly and is equally sympathetic and menacing.
>J.K. Simmons’s Gordon has subplot about reconnecting with Barbara after they drifted apart following her mother’s death, and he is in the movie more as her father than as the Commissioner of Police.
>Michael Keaton’s Batman has around 15 minutes of screen time across 3-4 scenes, and actively helps Batgirl in the end. He is less like Tim Burton’s version and more like a live-action version of the animated series Batman.
>Firefly is a reformed arsonist with anger issues struggling to provide for his sick wife. When he loses his job and health insurance, he relapses and goes on a crime spree for the money to cover her medical expenses.
>Ethan Kai plays Detective Jason Bard, Barbara’s boyfriend.
>Jacob Scipio plays mobster Tony Bressi, Firefly’s employer.
>Killer Moth appears and the film reproduces his fight with Batgirl from "Batgirl: Year One".
>Black Canary appears in the post-credits scene to set up her own film.
>Batgirl wears the homemade Burnside suit for most of the movie, and gets an upgraded suit from Batman in the final scene.
>Batman wears the same suit he wears on THE FLASH.
>Batgirl and Batman have a no-kill rule.
>When Batgirl first asks Batman to help her, he refuses because so she can achieve greatness on her own. Once she takes down Firefly on her own, he recruits her as his apprentice.
>The Batcave does not appear. Batgirl and Batman meet at the Batsignal tower.
>Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman mask and Harley Quinn’s mallet are briefly seen in the GCPD evidence locker.
>The Batman and Robin mural from the set pics no longer appears, probably due to WB reviving the Nightwing film project.
>Test-audiences were very confused about Keaton playing Batman instead of Ben Affleck as they were unaware THE FLASH reboots the DCEU.

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Screen tests are bullshit invented by the dated hollywood system.

>no nightwing

Based Brendan.

>J.K. Simmons’s Gordon has subplot about reconnecting with Barbara after they drifted apart following her mother’s death, and he is in the movie more as her father than as the Commissioner of Police.
>Michael Keaton’s Batman has around 15 minutes of screen time across 3-4 scenes, and actively helps Batgirl in the end. He is less like Tim Burton’s version and more like a live-action version of the animated series Batman.
Hold up, I'm liking how this sounds.

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>test screening
>for an HBOMax streaming series

It's a movie, and it will probably end up becoming a theatrical release like Blue Beetle.

>mixed reviews
they'll just put it on HBOMax unless it gets a super hyped up audience reaction.

Who really wants a Black Canary movie?

>Test-audiences were very confused about Keaton playing Batman instead of Ben Affleck as they were unaware THE FLASH reboots the DCEU.

Knew it.

>The Batman and Robin mural from the set pics no longer appears
Wait what? Can somebody show me a pic of this?

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That actually looks pretty cool. It's nice that they removed it since this movie is going to be complete garbage outside of /ourguy/ brendan fraser

Sounds okay.

desu sounds like it could be bretty good

Where is Nightwing?

Why did they make Batgirl a fugly frog faced girl? What's DC's obsession with making white characters nonwhite?

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Wait, actress in the OP's pic isn't white? Guess it's the lighting. At least she's got the red hair.

She is barely black. this is just fake outrage

>Why did they make Batgirl a fugly frog faced girl?
Because they want to make us move to South America where we're ironically more accepted than up here

Probably in Bloodhaven or in one of his many retirements.