Why do you think evil Superman is so fascinating to people?

Why do you think evil Superman is so fascinating to people?

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There are many evil Superman and many evil Captain America but The Boys is about Evil Superman fighting Evil Captain America

because people are retarded

because superman by himself is quite boring to most people besides children.

ragtag group of normal people going up against an unstoppable god will always ALWAYS be way more interesting than regular superman doing boring shit

If he's boring then why it's nearly impossible to find a superhero universe without a Superman rip off?


Good Superman would be compelling too, but WB seems incapable or unwilling for the last 40 years.

Attached: Evil Spock.jpg (360x335, 22.78K)

go read OP again and then realize how much of a fucking idiot you are

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Maybe people just like this show, not necessarily the concept. It's Hollywood execs who seem infatuated with the idea.
Brightburn was not a huge hit, it only made 32 million and no one talks about it.

Hyperion, Sungod and Carol Danvers are not evil

Western man has been conditioned to shame his ego and history. Superman is a shameless celebration of Western man and history. You see the problem.

two of those aren't things and people hated captain marvel

It's not.
It's just being evil and powerful are ingrained into the human subconscious.

To be quite honest. Evil superman is the moat trite overused and ghetto use of that ancient well like idea.

Now a good superman?
Nah nigga, that shit is too complex.

what he could be is more interesting than what he is.

>ancient well like idea.

No such thing. Ancient heroes worked for self-promotion, revenge, and gain.

True, but that has more to do with CM being easily in the top 3 worst written MCU movies than anything else.

>that shit is too complex.
yeah it's pretty difficult to get people interested in a two hour movie of paint drying

Superman I and Superman II were hugely popular retard

>hurr durr dese movies from 80 years ago when people didn't have any other options were super popular
isn't it past your bedtime, grandpa?

You say that like The Soys isn’t exactly that. An entire season went by and literally nothing has changed. Soys is a show for retards who think Orange Man Bad is hard hitting satire

Most people are dumb sociopaths and thus can't imagine the idea of someone with power also not turning out to be a dumb sociopath.

>People didn’t have other options back during the 70s
Nice bait retard, but you’re the same faggot who teared up when Butcher said “my wife’s son” because finally you got a capeshit character who was a cuck like you

I wonder what is going the narrative when Feige release the MCU Hyperion movie about a 100% unironic classic Superman and people love it.

Evil powerful humanoids or people who attained power and became evil are as old as time.

And heroes, true heroes, have existed long before the convenient cartoons you are taught to worship.

Superman sold well.
And that show made by Mark Miller did extremely well.
The TV shows are all well liked as well.

They just have objectively evil cynical people running wb and they can't sell it because they both dislike it and don't understand it

>Any Forumstards trying to make sweeping moral statements about the population because people enjoy watching some edgy capeshit in addition to their normal capeshit
They like the Goys because it pretends to be different from regular capeshit, but the “superheroes” are just super villains, the Boys are regular superheroes at this point, and Homelander is just Ultraman. It’s got nothing to do with “moral decay” or whatever you retards are projecting.