Spider-Man Thread

I'd like to take the time to talk about all the things we like about The Web Head. Sure we rant and rave about all things writers do wrong with Peter, but that just reminds me about how much people care about this character.

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I think him as a high school teacher was a great fit.

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I do enjoy a spidery man every now and again

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You know what I think would be just as good if not better? Owning a repair shop. I'll go into more detail to explain my logic if you'd like

Go for it. I like him teaching it because it feels like a natural progression of Peter trying to help out on a small scale in every aspect of his life, and still gives him his connection to the science side without turning him into Iron man. The idea that he could go get rich working for a corporation, but just can't bear to leave the kids he's teaching would be a nice parallel for all the other personal sacrifices he makes for the greater good, without just being pure Life Shits on Peter.

Alright so my idea was like a neighborhood repair shop, "Parker Repairs", where Peter owns it and fixes up everything from computers from washing machines. He and MJ live above it, and it's got a nice community vibe to it. He can teach kids how to build their own computers or fix their game systems, go on repair jobs in different buildings (which naturally is a great way get Peter into trouble or put his civilian face in locations people won't question), shows financial stability in Peter's life, and of course allows him to tinker with spider gadgets in his off time and enhance his arsental.

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Has a lot in common with the positives of the teacher stuff. Having Peter be endlessly suffering as an eternal manchild is annoying, but I think something humble suits him much better than being a tech billionaire. I still think a teacher would give the more interesting dynamic balancing real life and hero stuff.

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I proposed this in a previous thread since it was part of my brainstorming idea for how I’d do a Spidey cartoon, but it fits well here so I thought I’d suggest it.

How do you feel about the idea of Peter Parker selling gadgets to other street level heroes so that they can get good quality equipment, since Avengers don’t do handouts, and he can make a little extra cash to support himself. Specifically one example I had was of him possibly making a pre-young Avenger Kate Bishop’s trick arrows using his knowledge or chemistry. And possibly giving Daredevil a discount since Matt’s his lawyer.

Only downside of being a teacher is the complication of being stuck in classes he's obligated to teach. It's real easy for writers to portray him as a shit professor costing the education of students by Spider responsibilities. A self-employed tech guy failing to show up or being late with a repair? Now that's just normal
Eh Im not opposed to Peter occasionally tuning up Daredevil's shit but the fact is that there's not many tech based street guys to work with, and the higher scale ones can just got to Stark or Reed. It's not ideal

Fair enough. Honestly the idea of Peter making some of the gadgets was really meant to work in a more downplayed marvel universe similar to a cross between early MCU and EMH/Spectacular with a bit of Armored Adventures. Like I said, how I’d do a Spider-Man cartoon.
In this theoretical universe, the Avengers are more known to fight terrorists, aliens, and the occasional experiment gone wrong. The F4 are more known as scientists, and the X-Men basically won with mutants rights bills being passed in the early 2000s. Supervillains are only just starting to transition from urban legend to actual threat.

Because of this environment, I had an idea for a story heavily focused on the community aspect of Street level heroes and how they tend to look after each other, with Peter starting out as more of a lone wolf who shoulders all of her responsibility alone.
Idk, might he stupid but I like it.

Here's the golden rule: This is a SPIDER-MAN focused narrative, don't define him by what he does with other Avengers

While i do like the teacher angle a lot, i do feel that it removed the bugle supporting cast, and they're generally very fun to have around.

My dude, part of the point I was trying to make is how the Avengers tend to ignore street level threats.
The story I thought up was mainly about how Spider-Man himself greatly effects other street level heroes and regular people in New York by being the hero of the everyman. I also kinda wanted to have a theme about how sharing responsibilities will make the burden much heavier but ultimately easier to bear over time.

Yeah but how often does Luke Cage or Elektra use a gadget? Very situational, and kind of out of their themes. Hell Moon Knight buys his

If we go the repair man angle, Peter could pop in to fix their computers or copy machine. Either that or he can still take photos as a hobby or extra cash for the Bugle

Eh, like I said, it was just a minor thing that happens occasionally.
Generally I just like the idea of street level heroes having a network to take care of each other. And even if they don’t need gadgets, there still the repair man angle too where you could have Peter help out other street heroes with repairs so they don’t have to worry about hiding their gear or files.

Going with teacher maybe Peter could teach juniour photgraphy using his in with the bugle maybe.

But that's not a bad angle either.

you killed spider-man with your endless shilling of spider-verse