Did you enjoy the latest episode of the Boys user?

Did you enjoy the latest episode of the Boys user?

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They stopped pretending this show is anything but raunchy capeshit.

Soldier having energy powers was stupid, making him as strong as homelander is acceptable but not this.


I mean comic Butcher or Amazon Butcher but it was a fun episode. I like how even though Hughie left, Starlight still trying to save him. I found the daddy teist interesting but it actually fits a nice theme of The Boys show.



Whats wrong with raising your wifes son? I find it brave and manly

He's not raising him he's just making sure he doesn't get caught up with this mess. Kid is going to get tortured and become a ruthless killer like Homelander at the age of 8, any person, no matter how shitty, would actually try to prevent that from happening.


Homelander kills a libtard

So was Homelander depowered kr what

I'm married to a woman with a daughter of a previous relationship and it's beatiful

Not even close

Few will understand that this is sarcasm and bait.
Fuck this show, the writers have huge TDS and they can't fucking snap out of it.
I swear the next season will 100% be about coronavirus

He's not even raising the kid lol, little brat prefers his rapist dad over him.

Cool season, garbage ending

I was hoping for more carnage. I mean who even died, just Noir? Fucking weak.

Does anyone have a link to the new episode?

Don't meddle in her Daughter, user.

Goddammit all I wanted out of this finale was a Soldier Boy Noir fight scene. Actual Soldier boy storyline was pretty good, the Starlight Hughie B-team stuff was absolute shit. Overall fairly good but just dissapointing

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This show is so fucking terrible, last time I ever let Any Forums trick me into watching one of their favorite meme shows

The Boys Amazon TV show is the adaptation that The Boys comic deserves. Y/N?