STORYTIME OF PAIN - Batman '89 #06

Oh dear

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Why would anyone read this?

This is it.

This monologue would've made far more sense if the past issues actually SHOWED us this themes within Harvey's character. Instead, the script isn't sure what to do with him: sometimes he's a bastard, sometimes he's a good man, sometimes he uses the coin for everything, sometimes he doesn't, etc.

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Compare what's being said in the dialogues with what has been drawed in Batman and Harvey's expressions. They don't fit each other. Batman tells Harvey he wants to help him, but looks like he wants to kill him. Harvey looks scared and arguing with his other personality, but he's going full saturday morning cartoon villain...

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>Harvey spends all the time believing Batman is an army of men.
>Discovers Bruce, his friend, was Batman all along.
>He barely reacts to it

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>How is Harvey different than us?
>Script says so. Besides, he killed Gordon
>Gordon existed in this universe?

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>Robin asks Bruce if he ever wants to be normal in past issues. He doesn't.
>Suddenly, now he wants to be normal.

Make your goddamn mind

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Serious question: If Carmine Falcone '89 is as powerful as he says, where does Carl Grissom and Joker enter into this? Wasn't them the only powerful mobsters back then.

Besides, Carmine having Catwoman's scars even tho he never meet her and also getting killed FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOTHAM CITY

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Best scene starts here

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This may be the only time in the WHOLE BOOK where Two-Face gets the chance to become an actual character...

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...only to be ruined by turning him into an evil bastard again. Would've made more sense if Drake ACTUALLY turned Harvey into a pulp and people jumped at him and came into conclusions by themselfs.

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Remember this page. Remember it well. It will be important in a future page to point out how bad Bruce is written in this (on purpose).

Besides, he knowing Harvey did all those crimes and still fights to save him? Bat-Keaton killed criminals for far less.

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Press F or S, Harvey got done dirty at the end.
(Or not. Who knows. They never show his body, he may have some plot-armor left in him).

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>I'm not a killer
>*Flashbacks to Batman blowing up a factory full of thugs and shooting criminals down with his batwing*

Remember page 12 btw? Turns out Bruce ACTUALLY gave him his original coin back. Look at page 13 and you will see. Hamm writes Bruce as a fucking fool on purpose and steals any decent moment he may have. As a matter of fact, did Bat-Keaton ever get a cool or badass scene in this series at all? He just keeps failing or ignoring stuff.

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>Catwoman had enough time back in Returns to mike Batman even tho she just discovered his secret identity at the climax of the movie.

So Hamm didn't see both the 1989 movie and it's sequel and comes up with whatever shit he wants, got it. Also, that's Batman Forever's Wayne Manor Garage. Quinones didn't have more BTAS imagery to steal?

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>Quinones sel-insert #02
You know, if ONLY the script had the same attention to care...

Also, Barbara comes back. She accomplished absolutely NOTHING in the whole series. May be the worst iteration of the character I ever seen. At least the Schumacher one did some stuff and fighted Poison Ivy.

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>Barbara, you will become Batgirl!
>No, you will become Oracle!
>No, you will form the Birds of Prey team!

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And that's it. It's over. It's finally over. I wish it was just a bad dream tho.

Fuck Hamm, Fuck Quinones, and fuck everyone involved in this shit. Specially, fuck the editor for let it happen.

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I liked it

kinda shoked they really killed Gordon.

So any news of a sequel?

Here's your sequel.

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