It's flawless

It's flawless.

Attached: Comfy Incarnated.jpg (1000x1426, 105.6K)

Not really, you can see the fingerprints on the clay

That's called SOVL, maybe you've heard of it

Correct. Kino indeed.

Those aren't fingerprints those are their wrinkles

They're peak claymation for sure, specially Grand Day Out and Wrong Trousers.

It even has Wensleydale, the best of all cheeses.

How come the British are the only one who make clay animations, I haven't seen any other countries doing that.


I recently learned Laika currently OWNS the term "claymation", an asset from the Will Vinton studios hostile-ish takeover

The British killed every other kind of animation they had so you only notice their stopmotions

And why they killed it?

Shut up >:(

Can't believe user doesn't know about my man takena.

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The Wrong Trousers is a masterpiece

>Hey Any Forums, wanna party?

Somehow I miss that daily dose

A Close Shave is overrated. But I'm glad Shaun stuck.
I only just figured out a few days ago his name is a pun

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>A Close Shave is overrated.
It is actually underrated

So it's beyond perfection then

I'm sorry but the script just isn't that good and nothing in it visually outdoes the train track scene in The Wrong Trousers. It's a great movie but not the best of all of them.

Compared to Wrong Trousers, Close Shave was nowhere near as gripping or moody. It's still very good though.

Dangermouse had information that would've led to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

Why are you replying twice just to basically say the same thing?