The Boys

Ignoring the show, what do you think about the series itself? Does the typical Ennis stuff (gross-out humor, edgy bullshit, etc.) ruin it for you, or can you look past it?

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I can look past it, and it's even funny in parts.

The direction of the characters themselves and the overall plot is much more coherent in the comic than the show, from what I've observed.

It's just not a good series overall
It does the typical Ennis thing of being edgy and having US military wank while forgetting to give the characters depth for the audience to actually care about them and their story

>while forgetting to give the characters depth for the audience to actually care about them and their story
none of the characters are very deep, but the narrative definitely builds you up to care about them.

Preachy? Sure, but the comics characters are genuine characters unlike the show.

I felt that the only characters that were genuine were Butcher and Hughie in the comics
The rest were pretty one note, especially the seven
The show isn't good either but I felt that I cared about the side characters more in the show than the comics.

I like it for whar it is, sups do something extremely degenerate, The Boys appear blackmaik here kill some of theirs, some "Oi"s and "wee"s are thrown around and wait until the next issue for your sunday evening The Boys shenanigans. I think sin ce most people come from the show they expect some gritty nitty narrative from the comic and get dissapointed when it isn't, they would be better off reading Irredeemable

Unless you're an edgetard. edgy bullshit or his hatred of capes ruins any Ennis story.
The boys is particularly bad with the cape hatred part, since the heroes are such caricatures and get killed so easily by edgetar characters Ennis adores. The comic feels like an immature revenge fanfic that even Lex Luthor would cringe at

Stillwell had a subtle sort of depth to him. Too bad the show turned him into

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>buzzword, buzzword, buzzword
>I made it out of clay

It does feel extremely edgy/juvenile in many places, but that's literally the point of the series. This universe's superheroes are mostly degenerate, cynical, and psycopathic cunts. The show definitely does a much better job at characterizing the supes, since in the comic pretty much all of them are non-characters. Same for Vought, except for Stillwell whose comic version was way more interesting

I enjoyed the comic but completely understand anyone who tells me they are put off by it. Whenever I'm asked by people who watched the show whether they should read the comic, I recommend it but tell them that I wouldn't be surprised if they don't like it.

Clearly Edgar is the actual Stillwell, but I agree with your point otherwise.

Yeah. People get so mad about The Boys' take on supes, but it seems to me like just as much of a critique on celebrity culture than simply superheroes. I mean, I'm not going to pretend that it wasn't fueled by Ennis' distaste for superheroes, but the way they're depicted is like Hollywood degenerates, not "evil Supermen"

Hell, Homelander being "evil Superman" is just a red-herring, anyway. He'd just be degenerate Superman if it weren't for Black Noir.

>Clearly Edgar is the actual Stillwell,
Yeah, it's particularly explicit in one of the latest episodes when we get their one-on-one conversation and Homelander states Edgar's heartrate is completely calm. Which is the same thing he says about comic Stillwell

The comic kinda sucks to be honest.

I found it enjoyable. Anyone that didn't probably doesn't understand satire and tried to look too far into it, they might also be butthurt at the way it satirized their super-favorite comics.

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Read the whole thing minus the Butcher and Hughie flashback arcs. For the most part it's an almost deliberately trashy, vulgar comic that still manages to tell a cohesive story. Everything about the main arc (the Seven one) is done pretty well, and that's what made me stick around until the end. Other arcs are not as impressive. The G-men one was alright, although it doubles down on grossout in certain moments, the payoff is pretty effective. The Tek-Knight one is weird and kind of dumb in how the guy just has an urge to rape things that is never ever explained. The Payback arc is just boring, almost all of the opposition gets crushed immediately. This comic definitely does not work too well as a parody, since Ennis does not care enough for the characters he's lampooning. Ironically, he did a pretty effective deconstruction of his own favorite Punisher character archetype in the very end. Overall, you hardly wanna read the whole thing, but the main story arc holds up pretty well, and the big twist was pretty cool.



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This reads like bait, but it is how I genuinely feel about many of its detractors.

go back to sucking dicks on reddit

>The Tek-Knight one is weird and kind of dumb in how the guy just has an urge to rape things that is never ever explained.
...Did you not read the last bit of the arc, user? It was a brain tumor.

>Hughie flashback arcs
You lack critical knowledge. You're on the other end of the bell curve and you think you can hold thoughts and opinions.

It is the most accurate description of the people that dislike the comic. They try to blurt out a line about it being a deconstruction about this and that, but it's actually just satire.

It's just the usual Ennis garbage made for shock value.