I want him back for real, the alien webtoon sucks cock

I want him back for real, the alien webtoon sucks cock

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pedo fat fuck

He looks like and everything molester

Don't know who or what this is but I know he's a pedophile.

Stop posting pedophiles in this board

What the fuck are you guys talking about, I know Ronnie is like a super loser amalgam but I had never seen people accusing him of being an actual diddler?

We still talk about Ren and Stimpy, user.

wish he would print another book just need one more to be able to custom bind and make a nice hc. poor ronnie hoping he is doing better

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Yes, I too do not know what's that about

Wait what? Did Ronnie do something? It's been a few years since I've read his comic or heard anything about him

what did he do?

He didn’t do anything. He just looks kinda creepy to the poor zoomer babies.

You are a HE and you must dilate.

Apparently that "girlfriend" he mentioned in the comic only saw herself as a platonic friend and was creeped out when she found out Ronnie thought otherwise.

How would you even know that


My source is a Any Forums post I read a few months ago.

So it’s bullshit.

She was also 15 IIRC

And a thai ladyboi transwoman, is whats I heard.

And former president of the United States Donald Trump.

Oh so thats why anons are calling him a pedo now.

I heard they weren’t dating, they actually got married but then divorced, all in the span of a week.

>Andrew Dobson finally wised up and realized that webcomics are a fruitless endeavor for him, quit the internet for good, and is in all likelihood out getting his shit together for the first time in his life
>Ronnie accidentally publicly humiliated himself by broadcasting his breakup, is clinging to producing a bland unfunny webcomic that people don’t even read ironically, and is probably wallowing in clinical depression
It’s not fair, bros. The world is out of balance. I want to go back.

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