ITT: Cartoons that suck

ITT: Cartoons that suck

Attached: disney.jpg (1024x511, 57.55K)

All of them.

Attached: WXQdsPx.png (156x166, 2.51K)

How are kids doing these days where they have 24/7 access to their shows? It's weird thinking back to how bummed I'd be missing the afternoon disney block or UPN afternoon, or shows like Ren and Stimpy, Angry Beavers, or Catdog when they got the afternoon time slots on Nick.

Sneeds is alright and doesn't deserve a spot here but the rest is accurate

I think you mean fan artists that suck.

All the ones you like.
The ones you dislike are actually kino, you just have shit taste.

I don't see any CN cartoons here.

Nearly any "underrated" show. All I got is that the animation in some of them is competent, and the ideas are neat on paper, but that's it.

This image includes everything that came to mind for me.

Are there any cartoons that fuck?

Big City Greens is great most of the way through, though the fact they had to hamfist a villain into the show was mindboggling and never should've happened.
Everything else in the pic is somewhere between awful, "meh", and "damn, so fucking close to being great, but they shat the bed".

For me it's less about cartoons and more about toys, I remember as a kid i wanted an action figure that you can pose and really bring to life, have you seen modern action figures, even the cheaper ones?

>Louie and Webby from Nu-Ducktales

Attached: Don Rosa Sign and Chiles.jpg (1200x900, 332.71K)

They're still kind of shit, especially in comparison to Japanese ones.

Read the OP post, you illiterate retard. This thread is for cartoons that suck, and Nu-Ducktales sucks.

>pic rel
Look at that boomer.

Name 5

Attached: i don't like thing.jpg (500x628, 102.47K)

Ok. Being a shill of Disney for free is cringe, but hating Disney because it's Disney is cringer.
There's a reason we hate Barneyfag

Back in my days cartoons would suddenly get interrupted by TCM at night with no warning, just a straight cut

>Look at that boomer.
But he grows very good chillies that are very good and exotic.

Attached: Don Rosa Peppers.jpg (1024x683, 133.42K)

I hate girl power so fucking much