Where do you stand on the "Atlantis is a Nadia knockoff" thing?

Where do you stand on the "Atlantis is a Nadia knockoff" thing?

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I Stand Proud

it would matter if either were good

It's not, but I don't buy for a second that Mignola wasn't at least subconsciously aware of it when he did the character designs. Isn't his daughter a weeb?

other than that the main boys and girls look similar and have some underwater stuff, what else is similar

Never watched either

Nadia is a rip off of Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island. Atlantis is much more a Journey to the Center of the Earth rip off with a little 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea thrown in. They're both based on good material, but both are basically just the Verne inspiration in their similarities rather than actually referencing each other.

>Where do you stand on the "Atlantis is a Nadia knockoff" thing?
In the STFU stupid jap, Jules Verne invented all of "your" work minus magic waifu and rocks.
It's a reverse Lupin the 3rd situation.

Anyone have the manga pages that made fun of this?

Weebs have to be very, very insecure to try to claim ownership of ideas when it was something that was directly influenced by a western author

ok retard

I still think Nadia is enjoyable in the beggining but yeah

Art direction on both are also pretty distinct on each other. Nadia's got that Space Battleship Yamato and tokusatsu influences worn on its sleeve while Atlantis is, Mignola aside, very much based on Disney's 20K movie.
Also, while the Atlantean magic crystal tech stuff goes back decades before either project in Atlantis stories/schizo rants, given that Disney would have been starting to negotiate with Ghibli in the mid-90s for distribution rights, they could very well have done what Anno did with Nadia and ripped off some imagery from Laputa.

The crystal stuff is also very reminiscent of Jame's Gurney's The World Beneath which took a ton of inspiration from Journey to the Center of the Earth.


Haven't seen Nadia, but I imagine it can't be any worse than Atlantis.

>any worse than Atlantis
What we got from Disney now is so much better than Atlantis!!!
We did it reddit!!!

Disney steal everithing
check the Lion King for example , its was a Chinesse cartoon stolen by the Evil mouse

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What a coincidence, Atlantis is enjoyable in the beginning too

That comic rings hollow when they JUST released a movie where protecting a gay marriage is the ultimate motivation of their main character

White men going out to explore exotic lands and take brown wives is a tale as old as time, user.

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It pales in comparison to the similarities between Atlantis and Stargate