Poor kid at school says he has beauty and the beast on vhs

>poor kid at school says he has beauty and the beast on vhs
>go over to his house
>this the shit he got

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>watching dollar store knockoff beauty and the beast with poor kid from school
>he offers you some juice
>this the shit he got

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He's a completely useless revieweerrr now

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>Dehg Wawker and de yootoob elgorithm ah shooooooooo shtooooopid! Wehehehehe! please oh please just send me 50 bucks over patreon I don't know how much longer i can keep doing this silly shit i just need a little something to get my life back on track maybe go back to school i dunno holy god i don't want to be doing this shit when im fifty alison is a fucking bitch oh jesus fucking christ help me

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damn (youuuu)

>finish watching budget brand beauty and the beast
>poor kid from school invites you to stay for dinner, you agree and help him set the table
>this the shit he got

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Same for me only with some very weird cheap looking anime Aladdin version that I've NEVER seen before around the net

Both me and my friend were beyond disappointed and that was the last time his parents bought a Disney movie without his help

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>poor kid at school says he has Anastasia on the vhs
>go over to his house
>this the shit he got

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i had some italian or whatever pocahontas vhs where she is a little girl, and i used to think it was the prequel

That looks like it tastes good

B-b-buh, a b-beauty and the beast thread, in the midst of this v-vietnamese basket weaving forum! My mind must be going, ol' girl.

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>and Friends

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I memba these

Whose friends?

>poor kid at school says he has The Little Mermaid on the vhs
>go over to his house
>this the shit he got
>turns out it’s pretty good

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Is he STILL only reviewing these shit movies? It got old after a couple and it's been nonstop for like 5 fucking years, I ended up unsubbing

The better ending where they didn’t pussy out from following the original source material.

Unironically Kino show. I liked the oil painter and the skin-cancer dude ones the most.

I can't believe all these Channel Awesome guys are STILL doing the review game. Isn't Film Brain only making minimum wage on his Patreon? The only successful & profitable ones are Linkara & Angry Joe, right? Why are these other guys still doing it?

Source? If he actually said this, I would love to read it.