New DHMIS coming in September

New DHMIS coming in September.

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don't care

it's gonna be that pilot they showed at a film festival along with some more episodes right?

they shit the bed

Joke is played out by now

This. I've moved on. The novelty wore off.

PESKY Any Forums!

I wonder if they'll have anything profound to say in a post-Trump world

Roy represents Trump and the whole thing is a metaphor for, uh, racism. Give award pls

Oh yeah, wow
Wowee wow. Wowee wowee wow.
Holy shit
Fucking hamburgers.

Yeah, I just can't picture industry libs saying anything meaningful these days. Love to be proven wrong though. I'll give it a watch.

You joke but I could see them retroactively claiming that the main characters represent BIPOC trying to navigate an intolerant society that doesn't accommodate them

The creators aren't idiots so they won't do that

Not the old ones, obviously. I meant the new showrunner

I really hope they don't do that.
I think they were trying to make the green bird into a Trump-like figure in their latest shorts. It didn't go over well.

>new showrunner
Wait WHAT?

You didn't hear? Yeah, the revival is being led by none other than QuintonReviews

Fucking terrible

Better late than never I guess but it's gonna be an uphill battle to catch viewers with reopening happening at the same time as the economy going on the fritz due to inflation. They would have had a much easier time if it was last year.

Oh fuck all the way off, damn you.

I remember way back when Tumblr was thoroughly invested in the series. I think the new angle they're going for is pure comedy and surrealism without much deeper meaning, but either way it'll be interesting to see the puppets take part in more plot-driven scenarios.