Times when fan castings turned out to be awful

Times when fan castings turned out to be awful

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Rock as Black Adam is great he just needs to put an accent on.

But Krasinski Reed is...yeah he's just meh.

Did Kraniski even get to do anything?

I can't spell his name, I'm sorry.

He died?

Is that something?

I mean if you get The Rock, asking him to do the accent is not happening.

The Rock as Black Adam is fine, he doesn't need to do anything special because who cares.

Krasinski as Reed was fucking terrible and I'm not convinced it wasn't entirely an astrotruf campaign.

The Rock isn't a great actor. He can only play one character and that's the Rock.

You mean awesome

Dwayne can't fucking wrestle for shit. Even the fucking Miz can wrestle better and the Miz fucking sucks Bearer's rotting dick. His finisher is a Elbow Drop with theatrics, Jesus Christ. He wrestles like a grandma with dementia and people somehow expected to pull off a Black Adam.

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Nah they’re both atrocious. Because of the rock we have to have johns’ awful antihero black Adam rather than full villain.

He goes full retard and not only tells Wanda Black Bolt's powers, but then he charges at her right after he sees her make Black Bolt's head explode and kill him.

>The Rock as Black Adam is fine, he doesn't need to do anything special because who cares.
kill yourself

oh no I made one of the 200 people that actually cares about black adam upset I feel so bad sorry retard!

The Rock's *physical appearance* would have been a great Black Adam, back when he still had hair. He no longer does and he's never been able to act, he's never once played a character who wasn't just himself.

Nigga fuck off. Both of these are great.

It's really on the heads of the studio/writers/directors now to deliver a quality product.

I mean, the Rock has it kinda bad b/c WB doesn't understand how to make a single decent capeshit movie unless its Shazam or James Gunn happened to pop over for the lulz.

Jim from The Office Guy is a good Reed, but the franchise has had nothing but losers, and Hollywood writers are gonna be hard-pressed to fucking do some basic Lee/Waid/Hickman reading to ascertain what makes FF tick and why exactly Jim from the Office could work super well because of Reed's character. Also DOOM. They'd need to do a lot of work to understand why DOOM is DOOM.


>understand what makes the FF tick

>ever written by Lee

Stop trying to fit in. We can tell.

Fit in this bussy

Pretty sure Rock can protect his opponent on a dive, which makes him better than the Miz.

Rock makes Rockschlock for a reason, user. He's not a great actor.

Shame the JSA's theatrical debut was wasted on Rockshlock.

Krasinski was just a normie pick they willed into existence through memes. He’s serviceable enough I’m sure. Let’s see what he can do with real film.

Rock was an actual fan pick but in this instance it’s just a little too late to be perfect. Fans cast Rock for Adam back when he was a fearsome looking meathead with the right hairline. Now it’s too late and we’re left with generic movie star Rock who’s essentially at his late 80’s Stallone career point where all the projects he takes on are just about fueling his ego, every character looks and acts the same and wears the same beige/green explorer army man shirt. He doesn’t even have hair anymore which would be fine except he also won’t wear the ears or change his voice or do anything that leans into the Black Adam character in a negative way. We wanted Scorpion King, instead we go Tooth Fairy.

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I wonder if Flash fans will meme Tom Holland into playing Wally West

Yeah well, he gets paid more than you.

Didnt he get cast for this role like 15 years ago?

19 year old fingers typed this. The Rock is a great wrestler. Knew how to sell better than anyone.