Haven’t been this excited for a Any Forums show in a long time. Feels good to actually look forward to something...

Haven’t been this excited for a Any Forums show in a long time. Feels good to actually look forward to something. Not sure about the other Cartoon Cartoons coming along with it but some of them look good.

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CN's Wander Over Yonder

Calm down user you already made multiple threads about this

Jimmy Two Shoes knockoff

What is that

Suspiciously similar premises

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>Overwhelming positive protagonist thrown in a dangerous world
Nigger that's a basic ass anyone can do

I think you’re reaching

than why do it you fucking retarded asshole

Bitch please.


isn't this just a pilot, not a show?


Are those fucking techno-barbarians I see before me

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The protagonist's design offends my eyes.

looks like shit

It’s a pilot that’s rumored to already be going to series

Not even slightly. Juxtaposition of positive protagonist and gritty themes is like bread and butter.

will you still like Harmony when it’s revealed they’re nonbinary

Why would anyone care about that

I hate everything about the main character's design.
The robots look cool though.

i’m not sure if you’ve noticed but people decide to throw fits here about things they otherwise wouldn’t have cared about at all in the first place entirely over shit like that