Me on the far right

me on the far right

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That was a weird time. I don’t understand why so many women virtue signaled about letting refugees in despite the fact that 99% of Arabs are rapists.

because women are retarded

Validation from the interwebz
Why do you think camwhores were/are a thing?
If they can get praise/attention, then they'll do it.

Inversely it's weird how rightoids would make comics like this and then try to act like they're the righteous side in their culture war.

It’s a joke you mong

was? user it's still happening

exactly rightoids are a joke



Leftyfags humor ain’t funny.

Lol cope

>rightoid thread
You need to be 18 to be here

I hate faggots like you that made the Mac at Nite guy into some retarded mascot for your faggot culture war shit, a guy with a cool design and a vaporwave icon ruined by a bunch of retarded teenagers mad that fucking Tyrone got his hundred dollar food stamp, fuck all you stupid retards!

I know that feel, user

Can't spell Therapist without the rapist.

Mac Tonite was a lame and deeply unsuccessful commercial campaign while the rebrand made him edgy and topical, exactly what the youths want. Thanks to Moonman you now have contrarian faggots pretending they loved him before the rebrand made him relevant again, and hating on him for being funny.

No matter how bad the original campaign was, becoming a Any Forums meme is worse.

The better question is why didn't any of you throw rocks at them and kick their ass in public or poison them at their retarded rallies? why did you just ALLOW some minority to yell imbecilities and act like monkeys? Why didn't you call the mental asylum on them? there's clearly something wrong with their heads.

>Any Forums memes are bad
Nigger, please.

>Any Forums memes are bad
Yes, it's all trash

he was ruined before the "culture wars". He was integrally racist since like 2004