How do you feel about the show that killed Venture B- I mean Bird girl

How do you feel about the show that killed Venture B- I mean Bird girl

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Please tell me this is a joke of some type from the show.

Venture bros got killed because doc and hammer were looking archaic vs all the new adult animated shows

Their humor just didn't resonate with zoomers
Birdgirl and tuca and bertie is the future

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I didn't watch the show or will. But from this pic alone it looks like they're making fun of troons and all these flags. Not like hey look this is good.

...Pony? There's a Pony flag?

Pony is for Leather/Cowboy gays.

that's... not a sexuality? is this a plot to get gays to get married and stay monogamous because I am 99% sure if I break up with my boyfriend I'll have no idea how to navigate this shit.

>two-spirit flag
>we don't have a flag
>white tumblrtard makes one up "for" us
White people need to be exterminated.

It seems lazy too. Like, let's just slap on a couple of feathers on the rainbow flag, because that's what Indians wear, right? Why not put a tipi or a peace pipe on there while you're at it?

The guy(right) is trying to make everyone in the office on some spectrum but the guy on the left is straight and it frustrates guy(right)

VB got shitty ratings. The only reason it was allowed to go on as long as it did is because Lazzo liked it.

>white people are responsible for this

>they actually made a second season
AHAHA I just can't this is literallt economical suicide. I survived through the entire first season and almost killed myself from boredom and awkwardness

They actually didn’t. This is the other half of S1, marketed as an entirely separate season to make it appear successful

>Pony is for Leather/Cowboy gays
I am disappointed

I feel like this was more of a dig at this culture, it just took the entire episode to get there
>guy is trying to shop a flag to every person in the meeting even though most don’t want to be there
>white guy thinks it’s stupid
>white guy eventually takes a flag, but it’s a barcode
>end of the episode some random thing pushes him to say “we need a flag for that!”
It ain’t much, but that’s more of a dig at fag culture then I’d ever expect from a show written by women

If you actually watched it, they were actually taking a shot at this kind of shit in the workplace and how easily these freaks make up new things to pretend to be

Leave my bright colored horses out of this Big Pride

Robo bros, our time is now!

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Surprised there isn’t a flag for sex dolls

White women don't want to be replaced with their obviously superior counterparts

Yes, they are.
White women especially buy into this shit like a fucking religion.

But the Ally flag is right there.

>he's not saying he's not an ally isn he!?!?

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