LOOK at this jobbing motherfucker

LOOK at this jobbing motherfucker.

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LOOK at the awful writing, disrespect for the character, and lack of basic fucking research.

Fuck Williamson.

Deathstroke is a Teen Titans villain
He gets beaten by inexperienced children by design

Ah yes, such an inexperienced children like.
Batman's protege and top level acrobat fighter and athlete
A person can turn into any animal
The daughter of a dark lord of hell
A fucking cyborg
An alien princess.

Good, he deserves to job after the travesty that was Identity Crisis.

Goo goo g'joob!

He's a middle aged supersoldier you retarded nigger

How does that make him any better or worse than any villain ever, at all? Don't they all regularly fight underage boys and girls in spandex?

The man fought in Vietnam he's gotta be in his sixties by now.

Mid sixties at least, probably all the way up to his eighties, depending on when he was born and started fighting.

Have you seen this? comicsbeat.com/joshua-williamson-dark-crisis-interview/
I'm more of a SladickFag so I have different priorities but goddamn. What a terrible interpretation. I wonder if Ed Brisson will be better.

>Have you seen this? comicsbeat.com/joshua-williamson-dark-crisis-
>"But then you get somebody like Deathstroke, and Deathstroke hates legacy, it is built into him. And it’s not a rational feeling, because he will never take responsibility for his own actions and being a terrible father, but he believes all these bad things have happened to his children because of legacy, and because of the Titans. The Titans represent legacy in a lot of ways, right? So their archenemy is Deathstroke, and he hates legacy. He hates the idea of the kids. He hates the idea of anyone picking up a torch. And so for him, he just wants to destroy legacy. And so I wanted to play with all those different points of view with legacy and that’s the kind of stuff that I like playing with in the story."

I assume this is, specifically, the part you're talking about? This is utter retardation. This is "I didn't bother to read a fucking wiki" levels of bad.

That's the part. He writes Damian well but Slade's just bizarre and bad fanfiction that even teenagers can best.

To be fair he fucks up even Damian sometimes. His Robin series was massive wank, had shitloads of filler and basic personality devoid dialogue. In the same issue Talia stabs Slade, GeoForce has this climactic bossfight moment, where he turns into a stone giant and starts laying waste. You'd think this would be the best part, how do our characters deal with such titanic power? Damian one shots him. He writes the character well in a sense that he makes him fun, but this comes at the expense of everything else.

After loving DS's solo and enjoying some of Williamson's work I tried DS inc. recently and it felt very "how do you do fellow comic book fans" like it was trying way too hard to be action packed and zany, only made it 2 issues and a few pages into issue 3 before I quit. Sad what they've done to DS now, top tier character not getting treated with the respect he deserves.

This is so anti-Prieststroke and I hate it.

It was a Deathstroke book about a character who wasn't Deathstroke. I just hope that when someone else gets to write Slade next, they retcon that awful shit.

Like, there's a bunch of clones of the Wilson family running around with incomplete memories and powers, which is why they suck so much and act out of character. Slade comes back from his "consultations" in the Donbass region to find some incompetent faggot clone ruined his rep, started a crisis he couldn't finish, and generally just made him look bad. So he picks up Rose and the two go looking for her surviving clone to figure this brutally silly shit out.

Evan Dosletter, naturally, makes a return.

Do you think there is an intentional agenda behind it? It takes effort to be this awful.

Not that user, but I feel that Konstantin Drakon's characterization was also off.
Nothing I've read with Drakon had him as this bumbling dad-type who would go "I got my ass kicked by Green Arrow, funny story amirite?". Drakon is a spiteful asshole who really can't handle defeat.
So I think Williamson just doesn't care about established characterizations.

You mean he's like Taylor? I think he has a set of characters in mind for his stories, but seems unwilling or unable to create OCs, so he uses established characters, butchering them in the process.

It turns out to be one of the alien invaders (who are actually real now) who studied Deathstroke when he and Devon fought them. The hobos were in fact aliens which an autopsy retroactively proves but Slade's ex-wife kept it under wraps so law enforcement would go after Slade for murdering innocents.

>LOOK at the awful writing, disrespect for the character, and lack of basic fucking research.

>Fuck Williamson.

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