Why did he bother to invade another timeline and fight avengers when he could just succeed in his timeline by using...

Why did he bother to invade another timeline and fight avengers when he could just succeed in his timeline by using Nebula's memories?

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He was that offended that another universe went to such lengths to reject his great deed.

Why didn't he just create awareness of conserving resources?

He didn't understand how the time travel in Endgame worked like many people and assumed that the original timeline was his timeline's future.

Endgame's writers didn't understand how Endgame's time travel worked, so naturally every character in the movie was doomed in their understanding from the start.

Protip: YOU are one of the people that didn't understand it. It's consistent within the entire movie

I just want to know why he waited until his army was in a big close quarters skirmish in order to use his artillery instead of just shooting the Avengers and their allies while they were all grouped up for their cliche army charge scene.

Explain how you think it works then, because it absolutely isn't consistent.

Why did they go for such a confusing time travel mechanic anyways, only to go with the typical multiverse theory going forward?

Why not just explain it as "Multiverse theory" most of the audience will have gotten that.

>go back in time
>creates branching timeline at point of arrival
>nothing you do in that timeline affects your timeline of origin


I assume you're butthurt that Steve went back at the end and "changed" everything in his own timeline but ofc he didn't

what he did do was create the new timeline that everything in the MCU post his "death" in CA1 but prior to his recovery in the final moments of that same movie takes place in

you were not aware that timeline was created or that you'd been watching it all along, but since its past is identical to the one you were watching in the early scenes of CA1, nothing has really changed

multiverse is shit like 3 non identical Peters Parker

time travel multiverse is more complex than that

it's only confusing if you thought you were smart enough to resolve a time travel paradox (you are not)

How did he end up outside the time travel platform?

Why didn't he just use the stones to make everyone less fertile?

Why didn't he just herp a derp de derp, durr durr durr, hurr durr, durr durr durr durr durr?

They had the stones assembled already. Why not just pop up and snag them instead of having to collect them all himself?

That explanation doesn't work within the MCU canon because Loki is a gay show that sucks cocks, but just taking Endgame as a standalone thing it still doesn't work. He couldn't have gone to the same timeline as the main MCU because he never returns to the platform, therefore he'd have ended up in a new timeline that's separate from the one he left from.

I fucking hate time travel alternate universe bullshit so much bros

The Steve Roger's thing can be explained pretty easily without breaking the time travel rules but it requires a lot of assumptions about Steve's life in the alternate timeline

The power stone was taken

Explain then faggot

Wasn't there a planned scene where when Thor, Tony, and Cap confronted Thanos in the ruins of Avengers HQ, he would have displayed the decapitated of the Captain America from his timeline in 2014 to demonstrate how he already won? Was cut because too dark for Disney of course.

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