What does Any Forums think about the 1987 series of TMNT?

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Not ethnically diverse enough, only prominent female character is an incompetent nitwit who only exists for fanservice, main mentor is a racist Japanese stereotype, tons of casual racism in general, aimless plot, boring artstyle, terrible voice acting, mediocre animation.

Not a fan.

Ok for what it is but Turtles is at it's best when it's in line with Mirage which why 2003 first five seasons and 1990 are the best which btw the misconception that Mirage Turtles are dark and edgy rather annoying like yeah have darker tone than kids cartoon but not really super dark and edgy it's just more serious if anything but still fun adventure comic that like a hard PG-13 at worst, it's basically in line with tone of most big two shit back then just got way with more cuz no editors but even then they don't really go R rated.

It's totally radical, dude.

It's success and popularity was genre defining and we owe an unfathomable amount of content to it, so naturally Any Forums is going to look down on it.

I was a stupid kid so I loved it. Looking back and watching it now is hilarious. Nothing makes sense, the stories are mostly one-offs where some monster attacks, someone turns into something, or a portal opens up and some other indie comic book character comes out of it to be in one episode and disappear forever.

There's a constant threat of Krang getting the Technodrome to the surface of the Earth to wreak havoc except all Krang has to help him are Shredder, two stupid mutants, and an army of extra-dimensional robots that are capable of martial arts but can be broken into pieces by hitting them with a swinging nunchuck.

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It’s honestly a fun cartoon, and it irks me whenever a new TMNT series actively dumps on them to make themselves look better. The Turtles were competent and save the world multiple times, it’s just that the setting was lighter. Also Shredder and Kraang weren’t idiots, they just argued like a married couple.
Quality wise though I think the Red Sky seasons were actually solid.

>Quality wise though I think the Red Sky seasons were actually solid.
03fags don't acknowledge the red sky seasons and they're the ones making most of these threads.

87 did Casey kinda dirty ngl but he is funny.

It sucks.

Like seriously, it is absolute garbage. If we ignore fallacies like "it was influential" or that people try to use as arguments for why it was actually good, there is basically no real argument in favor of it. The first season that people try to claim is legitimately good is really just better than the remaining seasons, which isn't saying much because the remaining seasons would let things like pic related slide all the time.

The plots tended to contain filler despite being standalone episodes, the sequence of events more often than not don't make any sense, the animation is very choppy, the sound mixing is atrocious and did I mention that the production errors are too numerous and too obvious to miss?

What's essentially left for people to defend is the humor, which I guess you could find funny but I don't really see why. The humor is honestly pretty toothless and dry, not to mention how the "Oh boy, pizza with X and Y on them" running gag was never funny in the first place. I suspect people mainly defend the comedy because it's about the least objective aspect of a show's quality, but to be honest it often fails to adhere to the one objective measure of a joke, which would be "does the joke have a set-up and punchline?".

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Goes against their narrative of the series being nothing but goofy episodic shit for babies and how 03 is superior for not being that.

>Quality wise though I think the Red Sky seasons were actually solid.
Uh, no. They're only "solid" if you define quality as the show taking itself more seriously, which is an extremely weird standard of quality. While it made the show less annoying, it was still a choppy looking show with lots of errors and nonsense writing.

No? I don't understand why people pretend that tone is the yard stick for quality here. There is no need to acknowledge the Red Sky seasons when we say the 1987 cartoon sucks, because the underlying objective problems are still there, the fact that there aren't any lame jokes to cringe at is not enough to suddenly make the show good.

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A product of its time and overused in extended media just for cheep nostalgia pandering.

>No? I don't understand why people pretend that tone is the yard stick for quality here
This is a site for edgy 15 year olds that think yelling "nigger" is a sign of high intellect and unironically love the works of Zack Snyder.

I didn't try it until very recently's okay but I think I'm too old to really sink into it.

I'm a 2003 person for sure.

The current crowd always meet the '87 versions.

Dammit, they should meet the 2003 versions sometime. It'll be 20 years old next year. The '87 show had been canceled for less time when they did Turtles Forever.

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Terrible. It's a bad cartoon. Campy ridiculous and you can't really go back to watch it even if you got nostalgia. Sooner or later you will stop because the show is not good. I can actually watch old campy cartoons like the Aladdin TV series, but not the first Ninja Turtles cartoon. Aladdin is simply much better constructed, written, animated, and presented. I think what hurts Ninja Turtles the most is that you can tell it's an action cartoon of some sort but the turtles don't really fight too much like you can see that the writers go out of their way to diminish physical conflict.

And the humor is seriously dumb, I hated the whole pizza with random unfitting food jokes. And I hated the multiple examples of breaking the fourth wall. After a certain point it gets tiring and by the time they try to do those serious seasons? Too little too late.

This show to me is successful because it never had competition and most people didn't know any better. It's a similar example to Adventure Time, a shitty and frankly ugly cartoon that only became a big hit because it debuted with no competition and most people didn't know any better about superior media.

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A 20th anniversary special would be nice.

The initial five episode mini series is absolutely iconic. It inspired some particularly good video games and helped get the 1990 film made.

Everything after is shit.

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The art was better in season 1. I think they were paying too much for it and cut back for the remaining seasons.

>be me
>12 yo Miragefag
>get hype cuz TMNT is hardcore
>talk it up to my friends
>watch show
>WTF is this shit
>nothing like TMNT
>go back to my comics

Coming from the Leonardo One Shot to Cowabunga Pizza Turtles was jarring and a crime.

TMNT 2012 was better

Definitely, but that show had it's own problems.

>What does Any Forums think about the 1987 series of TMNT?
Great video games.
Are the original Playmates toys considered part of it or a separate spinoff from Eastman & Laird?

Is "thirsty giantess with no fashion sense" someone's fetish? Not mine, but it seems like it'd be a Any Forums thing.

I will say that it's got one of the best lyrical openings to a cartoon ever. Even now, as someone who didn't really try it until adulthood, the theme is catchy and manages to stay on the right side of corny.

Although I don't get why they call Raphael "rude". It's supposed to be his major characterization but I rarely see that in this particular cartoon.

... Uh the show itself is what should be considered here, not the video games or toys. Saying "this show is good because the video games are good" makes no sense.

Anyway, the toys were created using the comics as a baseline and the show was then created to market the toys.

Objectively the most definitive turtles run of all time. It's not a terribly great narrative story, and restrictions on what could and could not be shown hamstrung a lot of the action, but it's still a great show although like most things it trails off in the later seasons. The 03 show is probably the "best" tmnt show from a wholisitic quality standpoint even if they did take some creative liberties.

Was Krang created as a misunderstanding of what the comic Utroms where?