Why exactly is he so hated?

Why exactly is he so hated?

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He was just a normal guy at the beginning of the show, then the fans started hating him for some reason. Because Dan Harmon did a bunch of nepotism hires, the new writers said "I guess he's the character everyone hates" and they just go with that now.

>character x sucks haha
Is the easiest joke in the universe and Harmon is a fucking hack

Tricia likes him.

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because r&m fans know deep down they're him and not le epic scientist man

He's unambitious specifically because he is not skilled in any particular area.

A few reasons, he's a pathetic leech of a man, asks his like 16 year old daughter for her money because he refuses to get a job, yet still tries to claim he's the "man of the house" or anything of the sort.
Now that wouldn't be too bad, but it's juxtaposed with Rick being practically fearless in the face of real life problems, again while Jerry simply rots through a life of modernity

one word to summarize him: Cuck

That's already flanderized Jerry. This show's decline was very rapid.

Because Rick hates him and Rick is literally me so I have to hate him too.

I liked Jerry at first because he seemed like a clever parody of "sitcom dad". He was mediocre, but he knew it and was trying to make the best of it. If I remember right, his first scene is trying to spend more time with his wife because he (correctly) thinks they don't have a very good marriage. It's Beth who wants to ignore the problem.

Writing Beth and Summer episodes is hard.

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what was the point of the incest baby
it wasn't funny or necessarily shocking, just disgusting


For me the better question is why Jerry's bashing bother anons so much but Meg's bashing is OK and if you don't like it mean you lack sense of humor?


Pretty much all the characters have become flanderized. No one is likeable anymore.

The time he, so overwhelmingly stupidly, as was in-character for him, used the entirely new, never seen before, time travel remote of Morty's, undoing his entire relationship with that choker girl, is the day I swore to hate him evermore.

From the very first pilot episode you could tell that they realized having him as a counter to Rick simply wouldn't work. That's why the whole concerned father shit was immediately dropped.

Everyone hate's their own reflection.
Legit, he is the side that Harmon sees others don't and he hates it about himself. On the outside he thinks he is some progressive warrior, when in reality he is a weak, lily livered weekend numbers cruncher who wishes he could do more.

>He was just a normal guy at the beginning of the show

The third episode of the series is about his parents having a cucking fetish and him being embarrassed about it. The fourth episode in the series is the one where Jerry is too dumb to notice he's in a simulation that keeps glitching out and he gets fired from his job in the real world.

Jerry was built from the start to be the series punching bag. Some pathetic losers just unironically related to him.

He exists as a way to justify Morty being Morty.

Most people on here hate Meg bashing too, esspessially when the show tries to portray Meg as ugly and Lois as hot despite them looking very similar.

Really? I know Any Forums isn't a hivemind but the anons that dislike Meg bashing are certainly outnumbered by anons claiming that only women and s-o-is feel offended

Jerry is just some typical unremarkable guy. but then, somewhere in season 3 they made him admit to being sexist and racist...for whatever reason. Despite never really coming off as one.

Meg bashing came about as later writers realized Seth conceptualized very little character for her and Chris.

Early Meg and Chris episodes were early FG's weakest points, which is why Chris became flanderized into Monkey and Seth Green meta jokes and Meg a grossout punching bag.

They should have kept the joke of Chris being a dude-bro at least 10 years older mentally than his actual age like in the proto-pilot.