Story isn't canon

>story isn't canon
Why should I care then?

Attached: What_If... _(TV_series)_logo.png (420x236, 56.13K)

You shouldn't but that's because it's shit

>when the first post is also the best post

Because of that milf body

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I can’t speak for that show because I haven’t seen it and I’m not interested in it, but there are plenty of great non-canon stories

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Piss off.

To see interesting different plots if characters or situations went a different way.

werent people malding about we wuz kangs thor

Why should you care if it was. It's just a story

Because then you might not catch some of the shoutouts to it in the canon film Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

It IS canon, it's just in another Universe/timeline. Ever since Loki created the multiverse the MCU can hypothetically make connections to it at any time.

You don't like it because it didn't really happen? None of it did. Canon is such a fucking stupid idea

What happened to her episode?

Attached: nebula and gamora what if.jpg (810x1200, 153.02K)

>Didn't watch DSMOM
Pretty sure it got Covid'd into next season

>caring about "canon"

Was any of it actually interesting though? I was expecting something like Red Son but everything was still too familiar

Stop appropriating my nationality.

Canon means absolutely nothing. Anything can be retconned or revised or completely contradicted at any time. These are only comic books. Best to enjoy stories on their own merit, because getting invested in continuity is a waste of time

Why didn't you post one?

I liked it a lot

>Not canon despite having at least 4 references in the Dr Strange 2 movie
u dumb + ratio also this

Yeah, when they revealed that the episodic series was actually a highly connected serial, it became good as serials are inherently better than episodics in every way.

>4 referencies
zombies + captain carter + dr strange destroying an universe
What is the fourth?

oh the tentacles