There's no way these movies are going to be good

There's no way these movies are going to be good

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they probably won't even all be made

Imagine if they adopt ATLA and LOK comics, it will be so horrible

Tomboys are no longer safe

I think future Avatar content is going to go the way of Star Wars, it'll be dictated by all the terrible supplementary material to the original series and completely kill the original spark of what made it so great.

I mean.... isn't ot already the case? You described Korra and comics user

At least we'll get more E;R kino

Yeah that's what I mean, Korra and the comics have ruined any chance for a good IP like the prequels and comics did to Star Wars.
This new live action show will probably be like the Star Wars sequel trilogy; i.e. a half-hearted attempt to recapture the original series but without any creativity or spark to it.

Just give me that Azula horror movie directed by Sam Raimi and we're good.

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Korra and comics already shitted on original Gaang by making them terrible parents, pathetic cucks or just completely irrelevant dummies so idk what could be worse.
We even got that cringy "LET THE PAST DIE!" analogue in S2 of LOK

dyke garbage
Royal Kino
dyke garbage

>Korra movie
I'd honestly rather have a non-bender movie based around Sokka.

>every time Korra is mentioned I remember him and that post
fuck this board

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>so idk what could be worse
That's why I think it's so accurate to compare Avatar to Star Wars
Nothing can be worse than the prequels, but still they introduced so many terrible and half-brained concepts to the IP (very basic and lame light/dark dichotomy to the force, terribly choreographed lightsaber fights, Jedis are now some weird advisory body to an intergalactic senate with a modern day bureaucracy) that went on to influence the rest of the series. Admittedly I haven't seen the Star Wars sequel movies but I think their issues come in trying to reconcile stuff from the prequels and original trilogy, any future Avatar series is going to struggle to incorporate stuff like Avatar Wan and the Raava/ Vatu stuff. And it's almost impossible to have an Avatar after Korra for so many reasons, which is why they'd rather do stuff like rehash Kyoshi and Zuko than do something bold like a new Avatar.

The sequel's issues are the first is an overcorrection with no real soul, the meme "glib facsimle" is pretty spot on the whole movie is a relatively close recreation of a new hope with modern sensibilities. Everything new or interesting about it is because it's a neat idea but they never follow up on it because they never really put thought into it as a cool idea.
The Last Jedi is going into the movie to deconstruct the Star Wars mythos but both without the desire to do it in a way that's organic to what's already established, satisfying from a storytelling perspective, or even genuine in its intentions since despite challenging certain cliches in the earlier acts will unironically settle right back into them in the final acts.
Then the last one is another overcorrection to every criticism of the last two movies and jamming nearly three movies worth of content into one.

The sequels don't do shit with the prequel stuff, the ones interested in reconciling the prequels with the sequels are the cartoons.

I have absolutely zero faith in Bryke. The only chance these have is them pulling their heads out of their asses and getting an actual writer.

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I'm waiting for my Yangchen kino and I'm hoping it lets us take a closer look at the Buddhist inspired Air Nomad society. Like how do parentage work? Are the Air Nomads forced to give up their babies to the temples, who breastfeeds the babies then? Do the nomads have a yearly meeting for procreation? How many of the air benders are of mixed race? Do Air Avatars like Yangchen have special privileges to raise their kids and not have to give them up to the temple?

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Well no shit, Aaron isn't writing them.

These movies deserve a better class of fan that cretinous vermin faggots like you and your ilk.

Yeah my point is it seems maybe the Star Wars sequels seriously lacked creativity and direction because the mythos and worldbuilding presented by the sequels fucked everything up. Sure they may not have directly referenced stuff from the prequels but they still inherited stuff like the dogshit lightsaber fights and wanking off over Jedis and the Skywalkers - even though I haven't seen the movies I know that much.
Korra killed a lot of that too, it severely undervalued the spiritual element of bending and its wisdom, and every story was about benders. just as successive Star Wars stories have made everything about Jedis and the force (think about all the non-bender fighting styles in The Last Airbender like Sokka, The Blue Spirit, Jet, then see if you can think of ANY in The Legend of Korra). I imagine new Avatar movies and series will do the same shit, where bending is just a fighting style and the shows will lack a diverse range of characters and experience.


I swear to fucking god you avatards will go down in history as one of the dumbest, most immature, retarded groups of nerds in human history.

settle down Bryke

I remember there's a scene very early in Avatar (maybe the first episode) where Zuko says to Aang
>I suppose you wouldn't know anything about parents, being raised by monks
Which I always thought was dumb, an entire nation being brought up as monks without parents.

>resorting to implying he's bryke
Barely 20 posts into the thread and we're scraping the bottom of the barel already.

Since you mentioned Star Wars. It's funny how similar the sequel trilogy is to Korra in hindsight.
The obvious disdain of the writers for the past work. The lack of understanding what made the original good. The complete incompetence. The terrible Mary Sue main character. The disregard for the mythos of the original. The narcissistic inability to deal with the criticism.

Their flaws are "oh noes they were le..... meany parents". It's just shit writing

See, this is the problem with you people:

Avatar or Star Wars, you have completely different memories as to what was actually on-screen in either the movies or the cartoons.