What's her appeal?

What's her appeal?

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Her "loyalty" to Peter

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Good riddance.

Why is his art so shit
Idk I liked her in the first Sam rami movie and in spectacular

When I was a young lad I absolutely hated MJ because too me she always seemed like a nagging wife/mom bitchy archetype. it was until I read older Spidey comics did I learn she wasn't like that at all or at least not always. She was one of the few grounded and stabilizing forces in Peter's life and the way he'd come home to her after a bad day was sweet. She still gets pretty shitty adaptations like the Holland movies, the Raimi movies, and the PS4 but I understand why she stood the test of time and Spider-Man sucks without her written properly

Best supporting character in comics, and a testament to what the potential of long form story telling in American super hero comics was before power wank reigned supreme and it got shitted up with events every other week

I mean if its not another guy I don't see the problem.

>man of shad

she was conventionally attractive in the 60's. now she's just another bitch and Peter's constant old flame.

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What happened to the guy, last time I heard he was arrested or something. lol

Bombshell, Redhead, Surprisingly loyal, Probably a fun fuck, hell I'd like that.

let's find out

Man I wish Chat was canon to the mainstream timeline.


red hair and boobs. anyone that says anything about her personality or actions is just making shit up

Marvel really needs to expand on her background. Make her a survivor of child sexual abuse from her father.

Do they? Her childhood is already fucked, isn’t adding sex crimes a little tasteless?

She's a fucking bitch. It's her biggest character trait



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