ITT Times hank was in the right

ITT Times hank was in the right

Attached: xGu2n3k[1].jpg (460x509, 60.57K)

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Isn’t that all the time?

why would a man who works at a gas station would ever be right?

You mean he was right because in thing just because his temporary neighbor who was only staying temporarily and exchange program from another country didn't want to hang out and do alcohol and not knowing who a neighbouring countries highest office is read by when you only have two neighbouring countries doesn't tell you you're not well informed about political issues?

Pump jockey, works for tips!

I think I get what you are saying but did you have a stroke?

Fuck Canada

Speech-to-text advice and the TV on.

>You mean he was right because in thing just because his temporary neighbor who was only staying temporarily and exchange program from another country didn't want to hang out and do alcohol and not knowing who a neighbouring countries highest office is read by when you only have two neighbouring countries doesn't tell you you're not well informed about political issues?

Attached: uhh-patrick-star[1].gif (498x345, 892.52K)

well then stop being a retarded fuck

No, I'm talking about his wrongest wrong instead. Everything tastes better charcoal grilled, EVERYTHING.

>You mean he was right because in thing just because his temporary neighbor who was only staying temporarily and exchange program from another country didn't want to hang out and do alcohol and not knowing who a neighbouring countries highest office is read by when you only have two neighbouring countries doesn't tell you you're not well informed about political issues?

Attached: 12578645.png (1521x529, 553K)

Taste the meat, not the heat.

king of the hill has two episodes
'hank is mildly annoyed by the insane shrieking bush-era stereotype he runs into'
'hank feels uncomfortable about bobby's newest hobby'
thats it. those are the episodes

Attached: 6a7a6978bf6f1c738ff1bdfa963ef95b.png (502x1885, 801.56K)


No, there is an episode where Hank finds out he has been scanned by salesmen pretty much all his life

Canadian can go fuck himself that's for sure. There are probably close to eight hundred different political names that can all personally affect me just here in the states, how much more of my own time should I invest learning of the politics of other nations outside of how it affects my own nation?


thats not really a question anybody can answer except you, user, because it depends how curious you are.

the joke in the picture works on multiple levels, but i'm sure you'd agree the backbone of the show was 'ignorant man is peturbed by figments of the world outside his immediate neighborhood that drift into his orbit, bwaaahhhh!!'.

Hank's an asshole