How can the MCU even introduce the X-Men?

How can the MCU even introduce the X-Men?

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Xavier decides to stop hiding their existence from the public with his telepathy

This would mean either them making a choice to not intervene in previous events where they could have helped, which doesn't make them look good, or it means a questionable retcon of them having been there in some of the big battles but they made you forget, and they still didn't do anything important anyway.

They can't lol. They weren't even in Civil War or Endgame. Pretty sure the world would've noticed the presence of hundreds of mutants.

The whole goddamn point is it’s random and spontaneous. I don’t understand this obsession with a back story

The only way to make it work is if it's not hundreds. Start off with just a few of them, the same way the comics did.

That still has major problems as you're still left with issue of why anyone would care about mutants in context of the setting. A huge chunk of the X-franchise's bread and butter has already played out or doesn't line up with the MCU.

>A huge chunk of the X-franchise's bread and butter has already played out or doesn't line up with the MCU.

Bitch what?!? I mean the xmens space shit alone.

why would they introduce a race of people who's entire existence is mirrored to black people in the days of slavery?

>making a choice to not intervene in previous events where they could have helped, which doesn't make them look good
So? That's consistent with the X-Men. Even before the oughts turned them all into Magnetos, they would avoid situations that might get them all lynched by the normies, which revealing that mutants exist definitely would.

Movie 1 has to be about a villain doing something to expose them that's too big for Xavier to hide anymore. That's all there is to it.

I've pitched this before, I'll pitch it again.
>Mutants have always existed, but they're super rare. Like one in a billion rare.
>Some of the few mutants in recent memory were Xavier and Magneto, who were civil rights activists decades ago, but both are long dead.
>Thanos snapping and then Hulk un-snapping people did something weird to their genetics, unlocking a dormant X-gene in their bodies. In most, it did nothing.
>But in children snapped back, or children born to parents who were snapped back, they start developing strange and uncanny powers when they hit puberty.
>A school is founded by one of the few other mutants that existed pre-snap, in order to honor Xavier's legacy, Logan. He starts Xavier's school for gifted youngsters to teach this new generation of mutants how to use their powers responsibly.
Easy. Addresses the problem of mutants not being around until now, addresses a sudden influx of new mutants, addresses the age problems inherent in Magneto's backstory, ties it in with the established MCU lore.

Kill Wanda, have the twist be that her powers have censored their existence due to her being raised to believe they're not real

Havent seen Strange: MoM, do they say the "M" word or anything?

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I think they do when introducing Xavier but I can't see why it would matter since he's on an alternate Earth that's different from the main MCU Earth in a dozen different ways.

Because Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Cyclops are based. Juggernaut is based too desu.

Yeah, that'll go over well.
>introduce racial allegories
>except instead of someone like Isaiah Bradley dealing with racial discrimination in the 40s/50s US military, it's a young attractive white woman with no discernible characteristics that would set her apart from other young attractive white women saying that she's a part of a discriminated minority and that she completely identifies with their plight
What's funny is that Loki already played with the queer stuff, too, so that's also out. The X-Men won't have a sympathy card to play with when they inevitably start chimping out after citizens start making calls for people with randomly manifesting powers to get registered or something.

Rogue busts through a wall fighting a giant robot, flying about the place and calling everyone 'sugah' in her delicious southern accent. She punches shit super hard and is fun and cute. There, mutants introduced.

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Easy, they are a small number like originally intended but much like the modern explosion of superheroes, more are now appearing.
>A huge chunk of the X-franchise's bread and butter
X-Men have had so many cosmic adventures or fighting demons and shit. You can go a long time before really getting into the hated and fear shit.
>addresses the age problems inherent in Magneto's backstory
Just have him still Jewish but a more modern conflict like:
>Sokovia and all its neighbours at war.
>Name drop Latveria too.
>Genocide happened then reminiscent of the past.

Self-contained universe. Or just introduce them as ordinary people with powers. Thus no mutants with physical mutations such as Beast, Nightcrawler and etc. Instead, those mutants would have a human appearance.

Mutant Lives Don't Matter.

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Having the movies be interconnected is MCU's brand and appeal. They would sooner eat shit than make a new MCU movie that doesn't have even the obligatory name drop of another superhero mentioned

The MCU has gone so far now that introducing pre-existing huge factions or characters will be dumb af. Everyone(even the casual moviegoers) mocked eternals for not getting involved. Some people even bring up how many secret organizations are in this world that tony/shield must've known about like the red room stil existing or the ten rings somehow being super discreet