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Animation is for children idiot.

YouTube is completely run by robots, they see animation and immediately associate it with kids. Hell they associate all kinds of things with kids, like stand up comedy specials.

wish sex was really like that

TV Funhouse was most certainly not for children.
I should know, I watched it as a kid.



exciting and pleasurable for both sexes

eh, the guy is clearly pleasing the woman while having the least gun. look at their faces, the contrast in pleasure.

Sorry about your sex life user

>try to watch any cartoon with a adult joke
>Can't see the comments because of this gay ass filter

On that subject and for the good of basically nothing, it bothers me terribly that The Muppet Show is tagged as for kids, when Jim Henson fought so hard to make clear that puppets could be used for adult shows while creating the muppets.

Reminds me of the time I browsed the kids version of Netflix and found Breaking Bad.


Youtube is automated by fucking morons. Genuine baby boomers or even older, who didn't even know cartoons could be for adults despite Simpsons existing for like 4 decades now.

waterboarding wouldn't get this from me


Here's a crazy thought: Maybe 6 year olds shouldn't be on YouTube to begin with, so instead of sanitizing the site to "protect" them it should be discouraged.

Youtube staff is outright evil.

Just embrace homosexuality. That way the participants better pleasure each other.

What annoys me the most is if it is a video with that stupid filter, all of the "related" videos are cocomelon or some nursery rhyme shit. It's doubly annoying when the video in question has some adult shit happening in it, makes me have a violent disconnect.
>People doomposting about shit like DALL E taking artist jobs away
>Google's own AI systems are the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet


Youtube is retarded, not long ago all of happy tree friends was also marked as for kids because cute animated animals.
Anyhow still better that than showing finger family shit to kids.

Robots, and severly depressed underpaid third worlders.

Even though most YouTube comment sections are a dumpster fire of unfunny shit, I hate Youtube kids for that very reason alone.

I found Neon Genesis Evangelion in the “parenting” section of a public library once. I still think back and wonder if some librarian was intentionally trying to be funny with that.

My middle school library had a bunch of manga with uncensored tits. Being in 6th grade and seeing that pleasant surprise when reading Ranma 1/2 for the first time is something I'll never forget.