

Attached: based simpsons.jpg (750x858, 364.62K)

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look at them trying desperately to stay relevant

Why is it always the Bibble and not the Torah or the Q'ran?

>May 5, 2020
You retard.

Who the fuck watches this shit anymore?

Because western liberal atheists only hate Christianity, not Islam or Judaism.

Okay groomer

>Simpsons being anti-religion
Woaaaah what a fucking shocker, in other news, the sun is very hot.

They already criticized religion. Many times. Why is this news?

We've come a long way

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Oof, yikes, don't you know that word is problematic?

southpark shit on all 3. you have a selective memory which supports your victim complex

Fine. Let me add "almost" to my statement

Because if it was the Q'ran you'd get Charlie Hebdo'ed and it was the Torah you

Studios don’t want bomb threats or Jewish investors breathing down their necks.

Bible readers already knew that, though.
It's over a thousand years old, there are some stuff people today doesn't like that happen less a century ago that was considered fine.


You don't use the "gr**mer" word, do you, Any Forums?

because unlike the other two who would cause controversy and backlash, christians are commanded to forgive their enemies and turn the other cheek, so they know they can get away with it


Attached: FNNDUhhXsAUUCpl.jpg (749x605, 52.3K)


let me retract mine then.

The Simpsons oppose God. Why can a Christian nation not stop this?

I don't give a fuck what some feds do to try and keep the news cycle running. Go stick some broken glass up that diseases asshole of yours at those " family friendly" drag shows you can't wait to get little kids into you fucking pedo-shit.

The only reason I disagree with the word "groomer" is because it's significantly worse than "grooming" to use public institutions to gaslight prepubescent children into agreeing to chemical castration and have their genitals mutilated in order to turn them into a disgusting farce of the wrong sex so they become paypigs for jewish pharmaceutical investors for the rest of their incredibly short lifespans.

lisamania is pretty powerful
making lisa into a sex symbol like that

Bible "readers", they have pedophiles read it to them because they can't do it themselves.

i didn't know that lgbt people read the Bible

Shoop it so the notes say 'Okay to steal from gentiles' 'Gentiles aren't human' and 'Okay to lie about contents of talmud'


the OG groomers

You meant the Talmud. The Torah is just the Old Testament, I think.

>so they become paypigs for jewish pharmaceutical investors for the rest of their incredibly short lifespans
This, being pro-trans is just being a useful idiot for big pharma, transphobia is just telling the truth about big pharma's agenda.
Trans people are the new cancer patients, they're exploited to line the pockets of doctors because treatment is more expensive and more profitable than a cure.

>terrorists plan to murder dozens of innocent lgbtq people
>this is somehow not a problem
Get help before you become a public security risk.

Because you don’t care or know what’s in them.

they were censored for shitting on the Quran, not the other two retard

Isn't it weird when cartoons mock religion while in their universes God really exist?

Judaism is incredibly fucked up as far as religious ideologies go.
It's not just "our religion is the best so we're the best."
It's literally "anyone who isn't a jew isn't even human and exists for the sole purpose of using and abusing however you want".

For the infinitieth time
The Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, or the Mosaic books (traditionally believed to have been written by Moses)
Interestingly, Jesus's two big commandments, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" and "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, and strength" are from Leviticus and Deuteronomy, respectively.