Islam in Any Forums

Hello my sandy brothers and sisters, how do you feel about modern interpretation of Muslims in cartoons, comics, and other western work. In my opinion, it is a bastardization of everything the Islamic religion stands for.

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Here's some examples

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Isn’t Islam basically just Mohammed’s fan fiction of Judaism?

Even Family Guy was less offensive in depicting Muslims than these two shows

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You can say the same thing about Christianity(It's not), but the difference is, you don't get stone to death for it.

>Woke people think showing muslim representation is hip and cool!
>Woke people don't realise that the hijab is a forced law created by the muslim brotherhood under the guise of "Culture".

Why are the left so dumb sometimes?

aren't cartoons haram in islam?

Shit example

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I don't think so. I have Muslim friends who watched cartoons and play video games. I don't think it's considered haram if it's simple entertainment

Same as all modern PC media: not based on reality, not actually studied, not actually endorsed or depicted in any meaningful way, just to tick some political and liberal checkboxes, and therefore thoroughly uninteresting.
Had we actually had some real Muslim media created by real Muslims for Muslims, without any Westoid PC nonsense inserted, it would be a lot more interesting.

I thought he was Egyptian. Hence the Dr.Fate nabu thing

aren't cartoons sinful in christianity?

What's the difference?

Based Mayas and Indobros

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>only men can report if a female was raped and only if 3 other men confirm it

I think it's pretty cool ATHF had an entire cast of Muslim Characters.

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Modern ones filled with degenerate shit like the Owl House, Steven Universe or Amphibia? Yes. That's why I doubt they'd be allowed in Islam either.

Entirely different belief, don't be ignorant and just things on the very surface level. For goodness sake, they had a holy war because of the disagreements between Sunnis and Shiites.

Catholics and Protestant
Big deal

>Why are the left so dumb sometimes?

It's a huge deal actually. The fighting in Israel affected foreign affairs of many countries including the U.S.

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They have Muslim characters in the frog show?

Yeah, the Northern Irish are retarded too

Hilda too

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Just because you are euphorically enlightened by your own intelligence and not a phony God's blessing, doesn't mean it doesn't matter to millions of people.
Can't really handwave this sort of thing.


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