BCB -- Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Bi Daisy edition

Attached: 17.png (800x1106, 368.24K)

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Attached: mike-x-james.gif (778x547, 161.91K)

reminder that David is bisexual

Attached: leaderboard_sueff.gif (728x90, 27.5K)

wrong gif

Attached: leaderboard_okcupid.gif (728x90, 92.25K)

>Want bi Mike
>Get bi Daisy

i'm out

See you Friday

of the closet, fag?


Hah fags

out of my mind.

Is Taeshi hinting towards this ending?

Attached: 15356 - Daisy Lucy Mike MikexLucyxPauloxDaisy PaddleBoat_(Artist) Paulo cuddling polyamory quadruple.png (2450x2008, 742.22K)

This is way too based to actually happen

you could actually call it beforehand by looking at the art scraps Taeshi made

Attached: 15377%20-%20Daisy%20James%20Paulo%20Taeshi_%28Artist%29%20sketch.jpg (707x1024, 361.9K)

second pic

Attached: 15378%20-%20Daisy%20Paulo%20Taeshi_%28Artist%29%20sketch.jpg (1591x2048, 536.39K)

Wasn't she 8?

Absolutely cringe, can't wait for Taeshi to kill herself

Paulos absent mother made him over sexualize women
Paulos absent father made him over sexualize men

>This was Daisy's great discovery after kissing Mike
>She actually doesn't like dick
>Now Taeshi can have Daisy pinning for Lucy TOO

Attached: 1654533286098.jpg (412x350, 48.69K)

So, after we've seen this unsurprising discovery, what do you think is Daisy's type?

Attached: 1575274334143.png (295x290, 63.55K)



Thank you user
This will make a good reaction gif

The creepy, stalkery kind

Attached: augusta.png (1100x550, 47.33K)

What is even going on at this point? How did we go from "Mike gets a positive friend group" to this being about Paulo wanting both sides of the buffet and now Daisy too?

>Now Taeshi can have Daisy pinning for Lucy TOO
Please, god no.

I really need to see Paulo kiss a boy. For scientific reasons, you know?

Now that 2 of the big 4 are bi what are the actual chances the other two will be so they can force love triangle drama between all of them

Attached: gay orgy.png (1100x550, 56.68K)

Daisy would fuck literally anything that showed even the slightest bit of interest in her.
Except Final Fantasy cats.

Attached: sicko.jpg (680x1182, 117.92K)

She would've dropped her metaphorical panties the second he would've asked if he hadn't let his stupid manipulation go on for so long.

Had he just let her end her date with Mike in misery she would've rebounded hard and they'd probably still be together by now.