How come we dont see more fanart of the absolute best ship from the Disney Renaissance period?

how come we dont see more fanart of the absolute best ship from the Disney Renaissance period?

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Is kind of weird since they are based on real people and by the real story they don't really end up together either.

Didnt she end up with some other guy

Yes, in Pocahontas 2. John Rolfe

because Chel and Tulio

ironic that Disney fans hated the dtv movie and even now the mouse has erased all existence of the Pocahontas Rolfe ship

probably because more people know the actual history. You know, her being 12 at the time, the raping, enslavement, shipped off to London, and dying few years later of disease...

>because more people know the actual history.
The vast majority of people can't tell you how many people have been president let alone anything about colonial America.

Too much baggage associated with the actual history. They should've just made up fictional people. The art was good though.

It’s on Twitter

It's been explained pretty well in textbooks for a while now. Even back in the bible belt of the 90s we were taught about the deception, abuse, and imperialism that drove colonial expansion and how it was rationalized in the past under the concept of manifest destiny.

>Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
>Or ask the northeast forests how they thinned
>Can you hunt the buffalo to extinction
>Then blame it on the people with white skin
>Can you war with all the colors of your kin


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>wypipo dindu nuffin! we innacent!
I'm sure introducing firearms, European disease, and puritanism had no effect at all...
The eastern native civilizations were already in decline, but we definitely kicked it over the edge and perpetuated unsustainable foresting and hunting practices with a fervor the natives could only dream of thanks to technology.

Wow so the Natives would have been just as big of assholes as they always were. Wow, it's like blaming europe and whites for the basic ills of man is incredibly racist.

So then in your opinion rape, murder, genocide, deception, etc are ok because the victims weren't perfect angels?

>>Can you hunt the buffalo to extinction
>>Then blame it on the people with white skin

You mean what the United States government was paying people deliberately to do in order to hurt the Native Americans?

No, but saying those things were specifically being done by only the western Europeans at the time when that is not the case is retarded. You are unironically judging those cultures by a different standard when they shouldn't be. Aztecs and North American Natives were raping, pillaging, and enslaving others for millennia and they don't get an automatic pass just because a bigger stronger came along and did the same thing they had already been doing

>European disease
Did you know most "European" diseases actually originated in Asia?

>You mean what the United States government was paying people deliberately to do
I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex, also who was it that made it a crime to hunt Buffalo to protect their native populations? Oh right... the US Government.

>No, but saying those things were specifically being done by only the western Europeans at the time when that is not the case is retarded.
Nobody's saying it's being done by only Western Europeans stop saying it's trying to make it so Pacific when nobody seen is that specific.

Savages! Savages! Barely even human

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>I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex,
Oh please you see it in practically every documentary about the wild west get the United States government was paying people to go and kill Buffalo at an alarming rate And those documentaries do mention get it was to hurt the Native American population.

>trying to make it so Pacific