It’s poison. You don’t want none of this shit hughie

>it’s poison. You don’t want none of this shit hughie

Anyone else hate The Boys show now?

Leaning into the race angle so hard it refuses to kill off A Train, and the new episode literally endorsed the conspiracy theory that the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods and that’s why blacks are on drugs

Nobody in the boys other than butcher wants to kill supes for some reason

Now they wasted two seasons with the boys not having powers. And are doing a retarded “these powers are like heroin” analogy with butcher being addicted. It’s ridiculous

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And people will still claim it's somehow better than the comic--which actually had a cohesive vision, even if it was filled with needless shock humor/content.

Comic was trash. This is just garbage though

>conspiracy theory that the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods and that’s why blacks are on drugs
But it’s not a conspiracy

Exactly, both instances suck.

Jesus fucking Christ, at least google a topic before bitching about it.

>the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods and that’s why blacks are on drugs
Didn't Reagan admit it?

Dude the CIA ran an ethnic cleansing operation through USAID in South America in the NINETIES. I'm not saying they started the crack epidemic, but I wouldn't put it past them, especially considering they were in bed with the Contras.

Also let's not pretend that racially motivated sentencing differences between crack and powder cocaine and wildly different policing between black and white neighborhoods didn't do far more fucking damage to minority communities than the drugs themselves. And all that bullshit IS on government. Blacks are 17 times more likely to face a top count drug charge despite abusing illegal drugs at similar rates to whites and 13 times more likely to be locked up on em. Drug enforcement is racist horseshit top to bottom.

The entire war on drugs was a republican strategy to disfranchise the black voting block by taking away their ability to vote in elections through criminal convictions.

>conspiracy theory

Keep deep-throating those boots, you high-vis glowie fuck. Nobody's dumb enough to buy it.

>the conspiracy theory that the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods
What's with the influx of idiots who think the government would never do anything to harm minorities?

>conspiracy theory

>and the new episode literally endorsed the conspiracy theory that the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods
Unless you really want to be pedant about it, that's basically what actually happened, through several intermediaries, though:
>For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found.

>This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.

>blacks people were MADE to take those drugs chud!

This place is so left wing it’s insane

No, it can’t be that socio economic factors affect whether people are more or less likely to do drugs

It must be the racist government pushing drugs on blacks specifically

So why didn’t the white gangs there sell drugs… oh right. There weren’t any. Weird

I am enlightened.

I do not hate the CIA because I am a leftist.

I hate the CIA because I am Catholic.

They murdered Saint Oscar Romero, you know.

>No, it can’t be that socio economic factors affect whether people are more or less likely to do drugs
I think you are missing the other part of the equations, There is an history of actively maintaining blacks in poverty precisely because they are blacks. They constituted a voting block against conservative people and thus disfranchising them was a common tactic to stop any progressive reform.

Look, white as much as black can be easily manipulated in becoming addicted to drugs, the opioid scandal showed that.

It doesn't change that the CIA helped run a whole drug cartel problem that as ducked up all of the American continent.

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>conspiracy theory that the CIA sold drugs in black neighbourhoods
but this actually happened.
That's what Zootopia is about too

it is a conspiracy and it happened

That's really how you see it? Any Forums is so narrow minded and reactionary that it reads like the KKK message board in every thread. When a Ben Garrison cartoon is up, anons fall over each other to prove they're more far right than the next guy.

>oh right. There weren’t any
You know there are a substantial amount of Biker gangs who are overwhelming white and often involved in drug and gun traffic, right.

Also, it's because black gang had a more direct reach to the most impoverished part of the population (black communities), who are more likely to consume drugs.

the\ white gangs are all Proud Boys, Patriot Front and other militias. Not selling drugs, they're heavily into guns and bombs,.

And if you need to see what happened to any black people who were opposed to this shit, look at the Black Panthers.

So they aren’t poisoning their own communities? How is that the CIAs fault.

>So they aren’t poisoning their own communities
Lead is quite poisoning, especially in bullet form.

>How is that the CIAs fault.
Yeah, all they did was contribute to help the most corrupt and desperate members of an already fragilised community to fuck up the rest of them. It's like Black communities aren't monolith or something.

The comic might be edgy, but it's coherent and solid in that edge, and I really like the ultimate showing, that Homelander is just a petty, stupid bitch and the big bad isn't the super uprising but the greedy, soulless fuckers that made him. I think they honestly made Homelander TOO deep. He's not an incredible villain, that's kind of the point.

I'm just pissed they ruined the Black Noir twist by making him a random black guy

>Lead is quite poisoning, especially in bullet form.

When did they shoot their own communities? You literally brought up racist nationalist groups. What are you talking about?