Why are CN's old Latin America dubs so shit?

Why do they have to add so many retarded jokes instead of sticking to the original script? That's like shitty anime dubs. Pic-related's Spanish dub is the worst offender.

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because half the fucking jokes get lost in translation so they have to do 3 times the effort just so the shitty script can work in the other language

I remember the Japanese version of EEnE has Rolf mention Pokémon.


Gringo imbécil y gordo. No entiendes nada.
This. It's all the same except some jokes made for american audiences that don't do what they're supposed to do to latinamerica, so they bend the script in those parts.

Puta que son estúpidos los gringos, compadre

EEnE is only funny in portuguese

>I-it's okay when we fuck up scripts!

Most like a retarded Argentinian

Mind showing examples?

Cope. Mexicans aren't funny.

I have shocking news for you, Cartoon Network shows aren't great works of high art that demand for a pristine cultural integrity.
They often are enjoyable, but they are still directly aimed to CHILDREN who won't get the cultural nuances of humor from another country.
You have no business sperging about LITERAL ACTUAL CHILDREN being given adapted jokes they can understand from the original written for an audience of OTHER LITERAL ACTUAL CHILDREN speaking another language.
Just let it fucking go man your original version still is there and it won't go away.

Go praise your shitty 4kids dubs elsewhere

Go be a hypocrite elsewhere, Pedro

Why do latinx enbies hate latin american dubs, bros?

Mira, ¡No te doy tus pataditas en las costillitas porque onions Bárbaro!



I respect your opinion. You wanna think Latin dubs are shit? Be my guest, shit on them all you want.
But goddamnit man, your pic related and so many other examples are fucking glorious for me and many others who grew up with them and enjoyed the added wit and charm of these adaptations that are exclusive to us. KND is its own beast, they went to town with that one. Johnny Bravo, EEnE, Courage, Time Squad, Cow & Chicken, I Am Weasel and others also benefited from many liberties in the script. Shows like Count Duckula or Pixie, Dixie and Mr. Jinks are different shows altogether.

If someone's so inclined to think of these as blasphemy, so be it, the original is going nowhere, and if they're so invested nothing's stopping them from pursuing the shows in English.
But I'll forever be grateful those of us who love these dubs can enjoy them as well for years to come.
Nombre si a veces son una cosa pero bárbara....

>You have no business sperging about LITERAL ACTUAL CHILDREN
user Any Forums is all about adults sperging out about kids shows not being catered to them.

The Ed dub is just ridiculous
>I have come to bath in sun and sex Ed boys!

Ed edd and Eddy Spanish dub is kino and superior in many aspects. Lumpys voice is just better.