The Ghost and Molly McGee

>New Episode:

>The Episodes:

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Does this still have the audio fucked up?

Still waiting on that hulu webrip.

Cute pony. I wonder if any jannies would still sperg out at this.

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Cute mayor

When will Andrea get an episode?

She's a silly, little pony

She's already had a few. She'll probably get more eventually. I'm sure the crew know how much some like her and have some plans for her.

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Doesn't the main mega have that episode already?

so uhhhh.... will she fart and shit her pantyhose?

doodoo feces? Prolly not

but when she fard and shidd and pis her ass get larger

I was kind of hoping they'd dress her in a Great and Powerful outfit.

You son of a bitch

episode one: the arrival of the wave.
>brighton 8pm
>a young college student finally arrives at his new home.
>(y/n): (sigh) I'm finally here, 48 hours of travel and for some reason the gps went crazy half way... why am I saying this out loud?
>the camera zooms out to show that you are talking to yourself in front of your new home.
>(y/n): I really need to sleep.
> you start to hear footsteps and murmurs in the dark.
>(y/n): hello?...anyone here?
>the only answer you got was the silence of the dark.
>(y/n): yep, i really need to sleep.
>you entered your house, but what you did not know is that on the other side of the street a shadow was watching you from the window.

>already in your bed you started talking again.
>(y/n): Tomorrow I'm going to unpack and meet my neighbors, wow, I made it, graduated and moved to brighton to continue my investigation of supernatural events... why do I keep saying all this out loud?
>again total silence was your response.
>(y/n): Bedtime!
>you snuggle in your sheets and let yourself be embraced by the world of dreams.
>???: (whispers) wow, that sounds great, you must have studied hard to achieve this.
>(y/n): hee..I know... wait a minute...
>you jumped up after the sudden reply.
>(y/n): who's there?!
>there was only an eerie silence.
>(y/n): ok... maybe it was just my imagination.
>???: (whispers) You and I will be good friends.
>(y/n): i... I'm going to ignore that.
>You go back to your bed and close your eyes.
>(y/n): It was just my imagination, there is nothing to fear.
>???: well said my friend.
>you open your eyes suddenly upon hearing that answer and see a little girl on top of you looking into your eyes.
>???: Hello, new neighbor and friend!
>(y/n): AAAAAHHHHH!!!!.


thats it? you reposted this and didnt give us anything new?

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Davenport takes me as the kind of person who probably really appreciates everything his daughter does for his company but its not like he's pressuring her to do it. Its almost as if Andrea craves structure and routine which is interesting because you'd think she'd hate being told what to do by virtually anyone.

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Considering how large Andrea's dad business seems to be, he could probably easily get anyone to do his commercials but it's a very convenient for him that his incredibly popular daughter loves doing them. Can even be a sort of family activity.

Andrea as a character in this show both confuses and intrigues me from how the writers have portrayed her so far.

1st off, nothing about her backstory or her ongoing plot developments feels in any way new or original. It feels like I have seen this exact same storyline what feels to be thousands of times by now but there is one small difference that makes her stand out compared to characters like Pacifica and Amity.

See with Pacifica and Amity their storylines we're based around their parents being such colossal fuck-ups that they purposely go beyond out of their way to go and give their child comedically impossible expectations that they likely know cant be realistically achieved under any circumstances to force conflict into existence when no one asked for it to be there.

With Andrea its slightly different because from what's we've seen so far, (and this could realistically change with time because it wouldnt surprise me) Mr Davenport does value the good PR of his business but there is nothing to suggest that he is the one pressuring Andrea to put all this extra work in. She's the one choosing to do this because what the Charity Episode demonstrated Andrea has all this freewill to do whatever she wants whenever she wants and yet despite this she chooses to fill all that extra time in to impress her dad.

Molly a shit

t. Andrea.

Molly's feet

What about them?

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>Mr Davenport does value the good PR of his business but there is nothing to suggest that he is the one pressuring Andrea to put all this extra work in. She's the one choosing to do this because what the Charity Episode demonstrated Andrea has all this freewill to do whatever she wants whenever she wants and yet despite this she chooses to fill all that extra time in to impress her dad.

The poor thing is obviously an attention hog. I think since her parents are so focused on work that SHE WANTS to be the "face" of Davenport's so that way her parents will not only love her but depend on her to be a brand and give her whatever she wants. They already gave her a fricken pony for no reason. Its genius, sad and relatable at the same time with workohlic business parents

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they are cute

Nah. I mean that could be the plan the day the episode airs but I wanna hope that Mr Davenport probably learned something from the Christmas Episode since that canonically in order of the Episode rotations takes place after the Charity Episode since the Charity Episode was suppose to air 1st.

>Mr Davenport: Oh I get it. Andrea fucking LOVES ME and the best way I can support that love is to occasionally give her something that isn't a fucking emoji to show I appreciate her.

Would a fucking few extra headpats kill the dude?

janny where are you hurry up and delete this thread I don't want to see it

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