Why does marvel hate her

Why does marvel hate her

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The current guard is made up of people who were either actually alive when Gwen Stacy died and have nursed the wound way too long, or are too deep in the "hey look at this old thing I'm referencing" thing.

Give me a reason why anyone should care about her to begin with.

she's a bad character, period.

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they just hate her luxurious natural red hair
my penis cares

Because they know ultimately, Spider-Man is a more fun character when you pair him with pic related rather than plain Jane.

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Not Marvel, Quesada and Amy Pascal

They can't Zendaya MJ her. Yet.

>Spider-Man is a more fun character when you pair him with pic related

The issue is Black Cat loves Spider-Man, not Peter Parker. It would basically mean Peter having to give up his civillian life.

She's an eternal reminder that Spiderman's character was forever retarded and even rolled by One More Day and Brand New Day. She's a standard no other love interest has really reached since and they had one of the most well liked, stable relationships in Marvel.

You can't sell Spiderman if Peter is a happy, successful adult and Mary Jane will always be a sign of when he was those things, so they try to minimise and ignore her as much as possible.

is that cannon to the new au

Didn't Zendaya want to look more like MJ with red hair and Feige or Pascal or someone said no?

The thought of her with red hair is strange and unnatural.

Basically what this guy saidShe's essentially the endgame, but they want to keep the status quo from BND.
>The current guard is made up of people who were either actually alive when Gwen Stacy died and have nursed the wound way too long, or are too deep in the "hey look at this old thing I'm referencing" thing.
Who exactly was reading ASM when Gwen was killed off? Alex Ross is the biggest Gwen fan I know of and he couldn't have been older than 7 when it happened.

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Because she represents everything Marvel doesn't want for Peter.
>Happy end
>Growth and development
>Progress towards the completion of his character
Mary Jane is forever Peter's endgame, and Marvel knows it so they dangle that carrot forever. Which honestly fucking confuses me. Like I know Miles gets shit on but I'd honestly be totally okay if Peter just got written out and went off to have a family with MJ while Miles takes over.

I want to fuck her

she's a redhead and apparently everybody hates redheads

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Marvel wants to regress Spider-Man to his college years if not younger because the writers want to publish their fan fiction from when they were in junior highschool. Mary Jane was the biggest source of his personal progression, with the marriage followed by the daughter being the farthest point he had grown so she had to go. Since Snoy keeps rebooting his ass younger and younger, higher ups are fine with this even though it has turned Peter into a manchild.

Chloe Bailey hasn’t done the movie yet and Starfires a alien. Cry more you racist spigot


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They don't hate her. They just don't know what to do with her

They just need relationship drama for the biggest name character in executive Minds in the main continuity.What you need are AU for her to shine .

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Shes just exists to make Peters and his fans dick hard. Nothing more.

she is Michelle, not Mary Jane

same difference

>Peter is a happy, successful adult

Im pretty sure this correlates to his superhero struggles, im mean being a superhero is all that peter is defined by to any have worth as a person.