Ugly bulbous art style with bland designs ugly character designs and no waifuable characters

>ugly bulbous art style with bland designs ugly character designs and no waifuable characters
Im avoiding these movies like the plague. I hope disney and pixar abandons this ugly art style for their CG movies and does something more cartoonish and cute and appealing like the turning red art style

Attached: 85A9DA8D-EE12-40EB-87FF-6714B691D30E.jpg (2048x2048, 560.94K)

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You can see how they just hate the fact they had to make Buzz a chizzles chin white guy, by overcompensating on the rest of them, lol.

you must be uglier anonymous!

>no waifuable characters
I was gonna mock you for this, but I kinda agree with the rest of your sentiments.
I loved Turning Red's style and hope cartoony/anime-inspired CG movies become more of a trend. I would love to see something similar to Lupin the First with Disney/Pixar's level of polish.

Conversely, I would like nothing more than for a Pixar movie to have nothing supernatural or magical happen in it at all. That's what I was hoping Soul was going to be initially, and while Turning Red had the Panda stuff, I was glad that most of the movie was pretty grounded in reality.

The first act of some of Pixar's recent movies have been the best in my opinion. I really enjoyed seeing the village stuff at the beginning of Coco and when he started going into the underworld I was like "oh yeah, this is a Pixar movie". Obviously grounded stories aren't gonna happen from a company who's whole brand is "Disney magic" and marketable designs, but I can dream.

Attached: lupioniii-blogroll-1577379248050.jpg (1280x720, 92.2K)

turning red has the same art style??? same as onward same as shitty jazz movie. they are all poo poo garbage.

If you want good CG just like animation you got to go over to japan.
Lupin the third the first looked amazing.
Dragon Quest Your Story (while a horrible plot) looked amazing
Appleseed looked amazing

Turning red had a completely different and more appealing art style

God I hate modern American artstyles so much.

i think they did say in the "Beyond infinity" doc that they didn't want to make his chin one to one with his toy counterpart, since they REALLY wanted to go for more realism hence all the other characters have less appealing caricature features.

but it just makes Buzz stick out like a sore thumb. they should of stick to the early concepts in pic related, make everyone have an appealing caricature face not JUST Buzz.

but they just HAD to go through with their whole "MUH DIVURSHITY CHARACTER MUST LOOK LIKE VERY SPECIFIC DIVURSE PEEPOLE OF COLURR" just for imaginary points on twatter

Attached: Lightyear Alisha concept vs finalized.png (823x680, 575.92K)

But making all the characters ugly with realistic features is going to turn away audiences and profits as a result. Again im refusing to see any of these movies or future movies with this art style

Why are they so fucking ugly?

Attached: 1652512598331.jpg (1249x1159, 139.96K)

I really dislike that the Lightyear characters aren't more stylized like Buzz is

i guess not everyone's a fan of her early concept design.

i would of preferred her slimmer, narrow, more appealing face and no fucking side shave haircut that i see in almost every female character recently, over what we're getting.

Ugly is the new flag

They hate beauty.

I like the top designs actually she looks cute their but the bottom designs
They arent though, theyre cute and funny

I went to artschool

Our best, in a technical sense, draftsman was a girl who absolutely REFUSED to draw anything but androgynous people. Nothing but short hair and the bodies of emaciated teenaged boys. If you didn't plop down an adult human female in front of her so she couldn't weasel out of it, she would unfailingly draw some weird genderless parody of a human being

Why did she hate anything that wasnt androgynous?

Jesus has any company the lost the thread harder than Pixar. It is fucking grim how ugly and insipid their character designs are. Horrendous wannabe poc flavored moe blobs. It's disgusting.

I wasn't brave enough to ask