Any Forums Tradespersons

How many Any Forums characters in comics and cartoons went to a trade school or worked in the trades?

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Neither of those salaries are living wages.

50k is in many areas but it's not particularly comfortable
Disability in the US is still not even 24k a year

>Neither of those salaries are living wages.
Stop living in cities. Cities are cancer. Urban living was humanity mistake.

Nice if a thread stays on topic for once.

I live in London and make less than 25K a year. I wish I made 50K a year. You don’t know what poverty is.

>I live
there's your problem. Just stop doing that

that's easy to say and many would if they could but you are forgetting one thing, how is the work situation outside the cities?
It doesn't matter if the cost of living is lower if you can't find a job.

Welders typically start at 17-20 an hour unless you live in a city. That's 35k-40k a year. Even if you live in a small town with cheap amenities that's not going to a comfortable life at all

The OP was fucking bait and you know it, faggot.

>I make less than 24k a year in America on disability
you sure got me.

What percentage of your income goes to your housing?

Not that user but how are you certain he didn't convert pounds to USD?
Also even if he didn't that's still about 30,000 which is still being claimed to not be a livable wage

Not him, I'm the disabled user
Of the 1800 I get a month 1300 goes to rent (I have a roommate and always will, living alone on this money is impossible), 200 goes to car insurance and loan, 200 goes to groceries, and the rest goes to whatever medical expenses aren't being covered by medicare

Where the hell do you live where rent is 2600 dollars a month? That's a mortgage. At that rate find somewhere to buy or at the very least move.

>He hasn't been paying attention to US real estate
The last year has seen an inane jump in real estate pricing due to investment groups deciding that rental income is the new hot return. Entire neighborhoods have been snapped up by investors looking to pump the rental market and the rest are being bought by foreign nationals above asking in cash to hide their assets.
The small 2/2 that costs 2600 was 2000 last year.
No, there are no rent controls

Not to be a cunt, but why don't you live in a council flat or building? that should significantly lower your rent, assuming that's not what you're already doing.

Literally how does one get a job that provides 60k+ if you’re not good at science or dealing with people?

The US doesn't really do middle-income housing. I actually live in a townhouse which is why I can afford to exist at all, but in general strict zoning laws prevent the construction of things like duplexes and have for the last 40-50 years. The excuse is always "but that might lower home values!"

But where do you live? What's keeping you from moving to a more livable area? I know the south isn't the greatest place but it's at least cheap

>1300 goes to rent (I have a roommate
Good, commiefornians don't deserve anything nice.

>Where do you live
Sunny shitty Florida
>Why don't you move
Moving costs money I don't have, my family is here, and prices aren't really any better in other places especially without a roommate

>He thinks you can rent a 2/2 in Cali for 2600
lmao this site is 18+ only

Congrats bro I live in florida too and there are plenty livable places you can go to. If my dumb ass can own a house without debt in Sarasota county, you can live in DeSoto county where it's cheap.

I actually owned a condo and had to sell it.
A mortgage requires a down payment and I am paycheck to paycheck on a fixed income.
I'm disabled, not retarded.

i manage to get rent out in yucca valley for 1030 bucks a month from retards still living out there and I can still raise it further if I want.

Because U.S. is a capitalist shit-hole that hates workers. That's why the roads are broken and the cities smell of sewage...because there's no one around to fix shit that breaks.

Meanwhile, in Norway welders have a disposable income of $2,000 - $3,000 (that's what they're left with after all the bills have been paid). And with universal healthcare, and unions, he doesn't have to save up money as a contingency plan. So he can buy a house, a boat, go on annual vacations, get children, etc.

This is why our country is so clean and have such a good infrastructure. The majority of people are happy, healthy, live well and eat well.

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>I'm disabled, not retarded
What's the difference?

Are you purely on government assistance, or are you doing some work from home?

was American post-secondary education always a massive life-long investment, or was did the collusion of business profits and education turn it into the monster that it is today?

If you owned a condo then you are indeed retarded.

>i live in london
did you not get told about dick whittington, rookie mistake

>This is why our country is so clean and have such a good infrastructure. The majority of people are happy, healthy, live well and eat well.
That may well be, but I bet you don't have a bunch of cool billionaires building rockets to pollute space

>2.0 GPA losers really believe this meme
Feels good to be Asian. I'll be making 100k before you fags even get addicted to meth.

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Yeah man, only retards get autoimmune disorders in countries that take upwards of two years to start paying disability or in countries that don't provide free healthcare.
I really should've made sure I was born in another country or with a different immune system
Fixed income. I can occasionally do small jobs for a tiny bit of extra cash but my condition precludes a normal or consistent schedule.